St. Aidan’s Church, Queen’s Cove

Reprinted from the website Churches of the Parish of the Holy Spirit


St Aidans

The Gosses were the first Anglicans to move to Queen’s Cove; then the Spurrells and Smiths. These families cut logs for a new church building, and with much hard work and many days of free labor, construction began. On February 10, 1958, the foundation of St. Aidan’s Anglican Church in Queen’s Cove was laid.

The reading desk, lectern and altar railing came from the School Chapel which once stood in Island Cove, Trinity Bay. The altar came from the Anglican Church in Clarenville and the font from the Church in the Gould’s. Some of the seats were donated by parishoners, while the others and the reading desk chair were purchased. The pump organ, which is still being used today, was donated by Richard and Gertie Gosse in the early 60s.

St Aidans Cornerstone

The first service held in the Church was on Christmas Eve, December 24, 1961. The cornerstone was officially laid on October 21, 1962, by The Rt. Rev’d R. L. Seaborn. On the following day, Bishop Seaborn dedicated the Church and confirmed Elizabeth Spurrell, Martha Ann Gosse, and Linda Gosse. On October 25, 1964, St. Aidan’s Church was consecrated by the Rt. Rev’d John A. Meadon.

Some 20 years later, the Church underwent some much needed repairs. New clapboard, sheeting and windows, some which were donated in memory of loved ones, were installed. During the renovations, the vestry was moved to the rear of the building, and the oak altar rail was found to be too short for the expanded sanctuary. Mr. Frank Cole was commissioned to make the extension, which blended perfectly with the original rail. The cross above the altar was also made by Mr. Cole and donated by his father-in-law, Albert Drover.

St. Aidan’s Church was rededicated on Sunday, October 9, 1983, by The Rt. Rev’d Martin Mate, then Bishop of Newfoundland and Labrador. Since then, many gifts have been donated to the Church: all five (5) colors of the vestments, clock, credence table, Bishop’s chair, chimes, carpet, books, font cover, etc. Other families now at St. Aidan’s are the Strowbridges,Veys, Warrens, Sheppards and Barrs.

On December 17, 1986, Bishop Mate and six other clergy paid tribute to the members of St. Aidan’s for their great work over the past 25 years. The ACW provided a delicious supper at the LOL Hall. The Silver Anniversary cake was cut by the late Gladys Smith, the oldest member of the congregation, and by Jonathan Spurrell, the youngest member.

The first burial held in the Church was Elizabeth Spurrell; first baptism, Brian Spurrell, son of Edmund and Faye Spurrell; the first marriage, Evelyn Goobie and Harry Vey.

St. Aidan’s Church has eleven families. However, due to lack of attendance, a motion was made at a meeting on June 15, 2007, that effective immediately, St. Aidan’s Church would no longer hold services after the end of June 2007, and the building would officially close on December 31, 2007. Our Bishop, The Rt. Rev’d Cyrus Pitman, will be at St. Aidan’s on March 31, 2008, to deconsecrate the building.

In 2007, there was one burial. The congregation was served by The Rev’d Nelson Chatman, Associate Priest; The Rev’d Myrna Vey, Deacon; and a team of Licensed Lay Ministers. Mrs. Vida Chatman served as organist.


Rev. Joseph Taylor
Rev. Jacob Rogers
Rev. G.W. Ethridge
Rev. Morley Bouther
Rev. G.E. Peddle
Rev. David Hewitt
Rev. Robert Eadie
Rev. Douglas Barrett
Rev. John Courage
Rev. John Wiseman
Rev. Edward Samson
Rev. Edward Mercer
Rev. Nelson R.J. Chatman
Robin Barrett – Catechist
Jean Smith – Catechist

Mabel Gosse
Gladys Smith
Nellie Gosse