Reprinted from the St. John’s Daily Star, May 28, 1920
How Churches Are Opened At Hatchet Cove, St. Jones Within And Loreburn
“The Express” which left St. John’s on Tuesday, May 18, brought Rev. Dr. Fenwick and Rev. Dr. Saint to Hillview, for the dedication of the New Methodist Church at Hatchet Cove, St. Jones Within and Loreburn.
The deputation, consisting of the above named gentlemen and the pastor of the circuit, L W. Blundon, left Hllview the following morning for Hatchet Cove, where the people had suceeded in building a splendid little church, which is a credit to the place and to the people. The ladies did certainly deserves congratulations for the self-sacrificial way in which they laboured; having finished entirely the interior of the church.
The dedication service began at 11:30 a.m. Very brilliant, efficient and suitable addresses were delivered by both Rev. Dr. Saint and Rev. Dr. Fenwick, after which a very handsome offering was placed upon the pate. The dedication was then lead by Rev. Dr. Saint after which Rev. Dr. Fenwick offered the necessary prayer.
At 2.30 p.m. the deputation party left for St. Jones Within, where the dedication service began at 3:30 p.m. The necessary lessons were read by Rev. Dr. Fenwick and L. W. Blundon, after which the Rev. Dr. Saint preached a very effecient and initructive sermon, and Rev. Dr. Fenwick an address which will be remembered by all who heard him for some time. The dedication and prayer were delivered as at Hatchet Cove.
A very nice church has been built here also, for which the people earnestly deserves credit and also the self-sacrifical labours of the ladies who worked faithfully that they might have an adequate place in which to worship God.
An offering quite large was placed upon the plate here. At 5:30 p.m. the said party left for Loreburn, where only seven families, thirty-one people, have built an excellent little church, which stand as a monument of sacrifice and faithful work.
Credit indeed is due these few faithful people, both men and women for their sacrifice and toil.
The dedication began here about 7 p.m. where as before brilliant addresses were delivered by Rev. Dr. Fenwick and Rev. Dr. Saint, after which the usual dedication and prayer were delivered.
A good offering was also placed on the plate. The three churches are entirely out of debt, and that is an extraordinary thing in those troublesome days.
A motor boat took Rev. Dr. Saint and Rev. Dr. Fenwick to Clarenville and another boat took the pastor towards his home.
Thus ended a day which will not soon be forgotten in the history of Methodism in the Random South Circuit
Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, September 2015
These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.