Church of England Schools 1899

Report of Public Schools of Newfoundland
under Church of England Boards
for the year ended 31 Dec 1899

District of Random
Population 546; Grant $239.76

Visitation and Inspection:
This district comprises so many small settlements that it would require an increase of 100 per cent to the grant to satisfy the calls upon it. The most that can be done at present is to employ two teachers to work within given areas, and when these places have had their turn to remove them to others whose claims are just as great. Three schools have been kept open for this the first year of the work of this Board, and it is surprising that under above circumstances that such fair results are secured, but Miss Dawe, of Long Beach, is an excellent teacher, and Miss Balsom has now become accustomed to such nomadic work.

General Statistics for year ended June 30, 1899

Community Teacher Pupils under 5 Pupils between 5 and 15 Pupils over 15 Number of boys Number of girls Total pupils Times the school has been opened. Average attendance
Heart’s Ease Delihah Balsom 5 12 2 13 15 30 228 20
Long Beach Agnes Dawe 2 18 1 9 12 21 224 12
Northern Bight Agnes Dawe 2 40 20 22 42 126 23


Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, August 2014

These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.