The following article appeared in the April 1957 edition of The Diocesan Magazine
Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, November 2014
A very pleasant evening was spent at Long Beach on January 30th, 1957 when the Sisters of the C.E.W.A. visited the home of Sister Fanny Vey, the oldest member and Honorary President of our Branch, and presented her with the C.E.W.A. certificate for forty years service in recognition of her long and faithful service with our work. Besides being active in our branch Sister Vey has done an excellent job for the Church in caring for the Altar 45 years and looking after the Holy Vessels.
She has now been confined to her home for some time and we wish her a speedy recovery.
Although somewhat surprised, she made us a very suitable reply, thanking us all for our courtesy and wishing us every success in the future. She also read to us an address that she had prepared and which she has given me permission to pass along to the Editor for publication, with his consent.
After some very kind remarks from one and another, a very nice tea was served which we all enjoyed. Prayers and singing “’Tis a pleasant thing to see” brought to a close a very happy evening. May we have many more such meetings.
Annie B. Vey, Secretary C.E.W.A.
The following is the address:-
My Dear Sisters: I thank God and you all for the presentation of this lovely certificate which marks some of the time that I have served amongst you as member and president of our Association. Indeed it is a great surprise and a great privilege to me; as well as a time to show forth my gratitude to Almighty God who has spared me so long to help carry on His work.
It is a surprise because I had never expected to receive any recognition in this life for any work that ever I did and I may say that whatever little I have done has been voluntarily, willingly and gladly and as a duty for the love and debt which I owe to our beloved church.
It is a great privilege because our Blessed Master has given me grace and strength to work amongst you in His service for such a long time and for my gratitude I will give thanks unto our Lord God for all His benefits for He is gracious and His mercy endureth forever.
In 1901 I came here as a teacher, this little church was then in its infancy. Only the foundation and walls were in order. In 1904 I came back as a member of the community. It was then open for divine service and the thoughts of the congregation were being directed towards having their church consecrated, but it was understood that a font was required before this ceremony could be performed.
The late Mrs. John Vey (nee Mary Ann Wilcot of Brigus) always to the front in such a necessity, bought and presented to this Church a font which has been ever since and still is in use here. Later (I think in the Spring of 1906) the church was consecrated to the glory of God and in honour of St. Mark.
If I remember rightly in 1911 with the help of other church woman a Society was formed to help provide funds for the maintenance of this little church which we all loved and which was the fruit of an older generation of men and women. Other men laboured and we have entered into their labours. May we be worthy of their sacrifice and hold high the torch which they have passed onto us.
Today we have in our midst the great organization known as the C.E.W.A. and I would ask you always to remember that you are members of that Association and therefore ‘Soldiers of Christ’ armed with God’s strength, might and power, and commanded to go from strength to strength, to wrestle, fight and pray, and to tread down all the powers of darkness.
His arm the strength imparts
Our daily toil to bear
His grace alone inspires our hearts
Each other’s load to share.
And now that my retirement has come, may you of the younger generation carry on better than I had ever done always, remembering that the ‘Church of the Living God’ is the ‘pillar and ground of truth.’ Then –
Toil at thy secret text
More fruitful grows the field
Each generation for the next
Prepare a richer yield,
God’s spirit in the church
Still lives unspent, untired,
Inspiring hearts that fain would search
The truth’s Himself inspired.
Wishing you every success both spiritually and temporally,
Your friend and co-worker,
Fanny Vey,
Honorary President, C.E.W.A.
Long Beach