Reprinted from Colonial Commerce, Volume 26 (1916-1917)
Mun Digital Collection
Mr. William T. Flynn, Merchant, Heart’s Ease, T.B.
Mr. William Flynn, whose photograph we here display, needs no introduction to all the prominent men in the country who either through politics or business have had any relations with the north side of Trinity Bay the past quarter of a century. He is a shining example of what industry and energy can accomplish in a Newfoundland outport. Mr. Flynn is located at Heart’s Ease and does quite an extensive business there, dealing in all the products of the sea and land.
Born at King’s Cove 50 years ago; he went to work at the fishery at the age of 14, and there is not detail about that industry he was not familiar with at the [age] of 20. He met with a gunning accident by which he was incapacitated for fishing, in his hands, and he decided to qualify himself as a teacher. He spent two years under the late Mr. Hanrahan’s tuition and then, came to St. Bonaventure College in 1880. Having obtained a teacher’s certificate, he taught in several schools in his native parish and lastly went to Heart’s Ease, T.B. After teaching for a few years there he married Miss Shaw [Seward], of that place, and, seeing the opportunity that offered for doing business there, he gave up the teaching profession and went into trade. He has prospered even beyond his most hopeful expectations.
The Flynns are a talented family, and out of a family of ten children – boys and girls – six have been school teachers.
Concentration of mind, oblivious of the circumstances of untoward conditions and possible contra-opinions of other men with whom he may have dealings, are, we think, the secret of Mr. Flynn’s success – what the other man will say or will think, once he makes up his mind that he himself is right, never bothers him. He is frank and blunt to a fault, and knows nothing about subterfuge.
In a crowd of a thousand at the Railway Station here last fall Lady Davidson selected him as the best man to call for three cheers for the returning soldiers, demonstrating the fact that Her Excellency is a good judge of faces.
Reprinted from Family Fireside 1926
MUN Digital Collection
Well Known Business Man of Heart’s Ease Passes Away
Mr. William Flynn, one of the most widely known merchants of Trinity Bay, passed peacefully away a few weeks ago at his home in Heart’s Ease. Mr. Flynn had been ill for several months and despite the best medical attention and all that a loving wife and family could do, the end came, but not before he had received the last rites of Holy Church. Mr. Flynn was a very prominent figure in his neighborhood and a good kind man to all in want. He will be greatly missed by many people of that section, to whom he was ever a faithful friend and general advisor. Mr. Flynn was born at King’s Cove and moved to Heart’s Ease many years ago, where he conducted a prosperous business ever since. Left to mourn are his wife and several children, to whom The Family Fireside extends very sincere sympathy-
Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, February 2019
These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.