Horses of Long Beach

Name of Horse Owner Description Other Note(s)
Sandy Edwin Avery 700 lb., dark red Wild!
Robin Edwin Avery Had Robin in the 1950s
Prince Edwin Avery Had Prince in the 1960s
Nell John Robert Avery 600 lb., white balky
Bon William (Billly) Barfitt 650 lb., white
Captain Johnny Barfitt 900 lb., black wild
Bell Lew Barfitt 700 lb., dark red
Nelson 900 lb., white
Prince Stephen Barfitt 750 lb., red Fast; Steve’s son Edgar’s wife, Susie, used to tackle Prince and go by sleigh down to Hodge’s Cove.
Frank Ralph Drodge
Bell Ralph Drodge
Deeka Ralph Drodge
Bride Tom Smith Black with a bit of white Had Bride in the early 1960s
Prince Sam Smith  Black  He was very nervous on the road.
Jerry Sam Smith Newfoundland Pony/ brown Sam purchased Jerry from his brother, Robert Smith of Little Heart’s Ease. Jerry belonged to Sam’s son, Clayton.
Bride Dan Vey 900 lb., black
Jerry George S. Vey 1000 lb., black spirited
Lightning 700 lb., red Fast walker
Nell Gordon Vey 1000 lb., red Wild; lively
Darkie Herbert John Vey
Vic Herbert John Vey
Chance Leonard Vey
Prince Ted Vey 600 lb., black Slow; used to ‘knock’ on house door (for food). Eric was on the way out with a load one day and he stopped for a chat with someone he met going in – when they looked, Prince had moved, turned and was heading back into the country hauling the load.
Nellie Ted Vey
Prince Wilson Vey 800 lb., dark red Touchy, quick … easily startled