George Warren

Reprinted from the Canadian Orange Historical Site at:

George Warren

George Warren was born on Gooseberry Island, Bonavista Bay, Newfoundland, October 16, 1921. He graduated from Memorial University and was an accountant before becoming interested in politics. He was the assistant Deputy Minister of Public Works in Newfoundland, 1959 – 1963 and was appointed Deputy Minister in 1963. Warren was the Grand Master of the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada, 1962 – 1965.


In addition to being the oldest settled part of North America, Newfoundland lays claim to another distinction – the corner stone of Empire. The beginning of Britain overseas. It is only natural to expect a land with such a distinction to be loyal to the Motherland and to welcome any organization, that advocated patriotism, and such civil and religious liberties, as those practiced in England. The Orange Association was such an organization. This is the centennial year of Orangeism, in this part of Canada. In 1863, Dr. Thomas Leeming, a doctor, with the Royal Navy, and native of Prince Edward Island, was visiting here on a tour of duty. He succeeded in getting a few men interested in forming an Orange Association. They formed the lodge, and named it Royal Oak, and I am happy to say, it is represented here today. Another lodge was later formed in the city, and named “Leeming”, in honour of the man who introduced Orangeism to this part of the World. One of the founders of “Royal Oak” was David Smallwood, grandfather of Newfoundland’s present Premier, Joseph R. Smallwood, the father of Confederation of Newfoundland with Canada. The Premier, and his two sons, still retain their membership, in the mother lodge.

Following the formation of the first lodge, the Order grew rapidly. It became the common practice, for fishermen, when they made their fall trip to St. John’s, to complete their year’s fishing transactions, to “join the Orange society”. They would go home and talk about “the Society”, and about the “lodge in St. John’s”. This could not fail to arouse interest among those who did not go to St. John’s, and therefore could “not belong”. This situation was soon remedied by the formation of a “local” lodge. Thus the Order grew. Today, there are upwards of two hundred and fifty such lodges. In addition, there are well over a hundred Black Preceptories, one hundred and fifty L.O.B.A. lodges, together with an ever increasing number of Juvenile and Orange Young Briton Lodges.

Time and space will not allow me to elaborate on the influence of the Orange Association on Newfoundland life, during the last one hundred years. It has helped to maintain a way of life that is held dear by the inhabitants. The lodge hall, has been the hub of community activity. Church socials, lodge socials, public meetings, rallying points in times of disaster – all have centred around the lodge. It would be sufficient evidence to testify to the Association’s influence if only it were said, a roll call of the leaders of Newfoundland, in the past one hundred years, would parallel very closely the leaders of the Orange Association.”

The above item is taken from the Address of the Grand Master of the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada, George Warren, made at the 133rd Annual Session of the Grand Orange Lodge of British America which occurred in St. John’s, Newfoundland on June 19 – 21, 1963.



Information collected by Lester Green, August 2015