Reprinted with permission from the book Hodge’s Cove by Eric Stringer, 2011
At this time, it has not been determined the year the Orange Society in Hodge’s Cove was founded. However, it was probably in the late 1800’s.
Mr. Gerald Crane of Spaniard’s Bay and Eldred Avery of Long Beach, both members of considerable status in the organization, have discerned that the Orange Lodge in Hodge’s Cove became defunct circa 1909. Mr. Crane, who holds an impressive library of Society documents at his home, can find no records of entries relating to the first Hodge’s Cove lodge later than 1909. Worshipful Master at that time was David Peddle.
The original lodge in Hodge’s Cove was called Acorn, #48. The Warrant (Charter?) Number was #1821.
Most members of this first Hodge’s Cove lodge were from that community; however, there also were some from neighboring Island Cove and Caplin Cove. Following the closing of Acorn lodge, members went to the Orange Lodge in Queen’s Cove or in Little Heart’s Ease (founded in 1908; named Mount Joy #141).
In 1959 a new Orange Lodge opened in Hodge’s Cove. It was known as Blue Wave #249. Its first Master was Frederick T. Smith. Some of its members had earlier joined the Mount Joy lodge and transferred to Blue Wave.
A ladies branch of the society was founded in Hodge’s Cove circa 1967. This Ladies Orange Benevolent Association (LOBA) branch #1386 was named the Blue Mist, after the sinking on the Grand Banks in February 1966 of the trawler Blue Mist II. Original members of the Blue Mist Lodge had earlier been members of the LOBA in Hillview.