The Bedroom

If you have photos of items you wish to contribute to this page, please email them to along with a description of each item in the photos. (Note: Click on the thumbnail to open a larger view of the photo.)


A brooch, likely from the early 1930s, originally owned by Naomi (Smith) Gregory. The letters are NSG – that’s for Naomi Smith Gregory. It is interesting that she was identifying herself with both her birth and married names back then!

Naomi (1901-1994) was the daughter of Lorenzo and Emma Ann (Dodge) Smith of Island Cove. She married Edward Gregory of Queen’s Cove.

This brooch is now owned by her great-niece, Shelley Smith.

   Newfoundland Loggers Association pin from the 1940s originally owned by Isaac Benson (1896-1977) of Little Harbour. (Donated by his niece Susan (Benson) Isaacs)
   CEWA (Church of England Women’s Association) pin from the 1950s, originally owned by Annie (Langor) Benson (1917-1986) of Little Harbour. (Donated by her daughter Susan (Benson) Isaacs)
   Jug and basin set originally owned and used by Eliza Jane Martin (1875-1963) of Little Heart’s Ease. She lived in the area locally known as The Point. This jug and basin is believed to be around 100 years old. (Donated by Harry Martin)
   Jug and Basin belonged to Prudence Smith (1843-1923) of Hodges Cove around 150 years old. (Donated by her great-grand daughter, Audrey Stringer)
Watch and gold chain was given to Fanny (King) Vey by her husband, George Shirley Vey, while they were courting. Now owned by their grand daughter, Myra (Vey) Churchill. (Donated by Myra (Vey) Churchill.
Coat given to Myra (Vey) Churchill at her chistening by her God-mother, Elsie (Dawe) Vey. The mug was also given to Myra by her Aunt Elsie Vey who received it herself as a child. (Donated by Myra (Vey) Churchill)
 20150912_141911  Bedspread from the 1940s. Owned by Elaine (Peddle) Spurrell
 20150912_114049  This bedspread was completed in the 1940s by Flossie Lambert.
 20150912_112903  In 1941, the Lady’s Aid of St. Jones Within decided to have a fundraiser for their church. Rebecca Squires volunteered to complete a bedspread. Whoever donated 5 cents for a slip of embroidery thread would have their names embroidered on the bedspread. After it was completed, tickets were sold on it and it was won by Mary Alice (Stoyles) Critch. It was given to Alma Loder in later years as her name was displayed on the bedspread. (Click here for a list of names printed on the bedspread)
 20150912_113446  Vintage chamber pot.
 20150912_131449  This shoe belonged to Mrs. May Loder.
 IMG_4422a  This lock box / coin box was made in the 1950s as a child’s bank. It has been kept in our family for approximately 60 years and originally belonged to my great-grandmother, Suzanna Strowbridge. Owned now by Dana Balsom.

Antique white chamber pot owned by Levi and Myra Churchill

 Shawl owned by Louisa Hobbs Seward (1847-1923) of Gooseberry Cove, great grandmother of Elaine Peddle Spurrell Shawl owned by Louisa (Hobbs) Seward (1847-1923) of Gooseberry Cove, great grandmother of Elaine (Peddle) Spurrell.
 Ladies' hats from the 1940's-1950's Ladies’ hats from the 1940’s-1950’s
 Cosmetic mirror owned by Mary Ralph Spurrell (1898-1978) Cosmetic mirror owned by Mary (Ralph) Spurrell (1898-1978).
 Bedroom lamp owned by William and Annie Peddle, Hodge's Cove Bedroom lamp owned by William and Annie Peddle, Hodge’s  Cove
 Bedroom lamp owned by Minnie Seward Spurrell Murphy (1884-1968) Bedroom lamp owned by Minnie (Seward) Spurrell Murphy   (1884-1968).
 DSCN4177DSCN4179 Wedding ring (18K) of Mrs. Mary Ann (Wilcox King) Vey (1851-1920) given to her by her second husband, John Vey (1844-1916), on 17 December 1890 when they were married at Bishop’s Cove. Mary Ann was born in Brigus, daughter of Captain William Wilcox and Susannah Sweetland. This ring was passed down to Mary Ann (Mamie) Vey Smith (1914-2007), step-grand-daughter of the original owner. Mamie was named after Mary Ann Wilcox King Vey. Mamie passed the ring down to her daughter, Shirley (Smith) Jennings and Shirley passed it down to her daughter, Wanda (Jennings) Garrett, who is the current owner of the ring.
 20150620_095841 Vintage rubber children’s mitts found in the homes of Samuel Smith (1909-1967) and Mary Ann (Mamie) Vey (1914-2007) of Long Beach. Now owned by their grand-daughter, Wanda (Jennings) Garrett.