Bakers’ Cemetery

Baker Cemetery, Hodge's Cove

Bakers’ Cemetery, Hodge’s Cove


Surname Given Born Died Age Inscription
Baker Hannah Dec. 29, 1937 72 yrs., 6 mos. Wife of Joseph Baker
“And when on earth I breathe no more
The prayers oft mixed with tears before
I’ll sing upon a happier shore
Thy will be done”
Baker Joseph Jan. 22, 1912 50 yrs. “Afflictions sore for years I bore
Physicians were in vain
At length God pleased to give me ease
And freed me from my pain”
Baker Eliza 18 yrs. Daughter of Joseph & Hannah Baker
Baker Douglas Son of Joseph & Hannah Baker


Transcribed by Eric Stringer, August 2014

These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.