Queen’s Cove Census Records

1884 1891 1901 1911 1921 1935 1945
Number of…
Inhabitants 43 44 57 57 75 99 92
Male 19 17 32 31 38 54 50
Females 24 27 25 26 37 45 42
Males under 10 years 4 4 13 8 10 17 16
Females under 10 years 9 16 8 8 14 11
Males 10 – 20 years 6 5 6 8 7 10 21
Females 10 – 20  years 5 4 6 8 9 12
Males 20 – 30 years 3 2 3 6 9 6 46
Females 20 – 30 years 4 3 5 2 5 4
Males 30 – 40 years 2 1 4 3 5 9
Females 30 – 40 years 3 2 2 3 4 10
Males 40 – 50 years 1 3 1 3 3 4
Females 40 – 50 years 1 1 3 2 2 2
Males 50 – 70 years 3 1 3 2 2 7
Females 50 – 70 years 2 1 1 2 3 5
Males 70 upwards 1 2 1 2 1 9
Females 70 upwards 1 1
Married persons, male 8 8 10 12 13 19 42
Married persons, female 8 7 10 12 13 19
Births, preceding year 2 2 2
Deaths, preceding year 1 2
Marriages, preceding year 1
Born in Newfoundland 43 44 57 57 73
Foreign and other countries 2
Families 8 8 9 13 14
Church of England 5 4 10 20 24
Reformed Church of England
Church of Rome
Wesleyans/Methodists/United Church 43 36 57 53 65 77 66
Salvation Army 2
Pentecostal 2
Clergymen or ministers
Teachers 1 1 1
Engaged in office or shop-work
Engaged solely in government services
Mechanics 2
Fishermen and others who cultivate land 39 27 14 9
Engaged in catching or curing of fish 29
Males engaged in catching or curing fish 20 14 11 15
Females engaged in curing 17 11 98? 5
Engaged in lumbering 8 7 1 5
Persons employed with saw mills
Otherwise employed 2
Who can read and write 9
Males who can read 18 14
Females who can read 20 18
Males who can write 10 12
Females who can write 15 15
Children attending school 15 19 12 14 19
Children not attending school 17 12 8 4 7
5 years and over who can write 35
5 years and over who cannot write 11
Persons over 10 years who can read and write 40 57 69
Persons 10 years and over who can read only 4
Persons over 10 years who cannot read and write 12 10 7
Church of England building
Church of Rome building
Wesleyan/Methodist/United Church building 1
Churches of other denominations
School houses 1 1 1Meth
Inhabited Houses 8 6 9 10 14
Houses being built or built in last 12 months 4
Houses now building 5
Houses built past 12 months
Uninhabited houses 2
Stores, barns and outhouses 9 11 24 16 14 13
Fishing rooms 3 5 9 6
Saw Mills 3 5 3 2
Person employed by saw mills 11 14
Vessels directly engaged in fisheries 5
Vessels – 20 to 60 tons 1
Vessels – 60 tons upwards
Vessels engaged in Labrador fishery 5
Men taken down to Labrador 32 3
Women taken down to Labrador 4
Children taken down to Labrador 3
Large boats – 4 -15 qtls 17
Large boats – 15 to 30 qtls 1
Boats from 4 – 30 qtls 7 14 16 2
Large boats – 30 qtls and upwards 1
Motor boats
Vessels built 2
Tonnage of vessels built 43
Boats built
Tons of hay cut 8 3 9 24 20 30
Barrels of potatoes raised 167 179 205 260 299 1,118
Barrels of turnip raised 2 2 34 32 40 85
Barrels of other root crops
Cabbage, heads 7,300 22,000 11,000 10,500 lbs
Head of cattle 6 2
Milch cows 1 4 15
Other horned cattle 22 5 3
Horses 2 3 8 17
Sheep 10 39 36 40 56
Swine 21 21 37 16 4
Fowl / Poultry 20 94 48
Goats 8 11 3 16
Hens / chickens 77
Acres of cultivated land 20 51 32
Acres occupied 24 19 52
Quantity of butter manufactured – lbs 12 10 125 600
Wool – lbs 129 98 170
Eggs, doz. 500 20


Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, August 2014

These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.