Random Sound Census Records

1857 1869 1874*
Number of…
Inhabitants 273 540 522
Males 144 280 255
Females 129 260 267
Males under 10 years 48 95 87
Females under 10 years 58 100 97
Males 10 – 20 years 35 62 56
Females 10 – 20  years 28 57 55
Males 20 – 30 years 15 37 38
Females 20 – 30 years 16 26 47
Males 30 – 40 years 16 40 30
Females 30 – 40 years 17 38 25
Males 40 – 50 years 19 27 17
Females 40 – 50 years 7 24 21
Males 50 – 70 years 9 17 23
Females 50 – 70 years 2 12 18
Males 70 upwards 2 2 4
Females 70 upwards 1 3 4
Married persons, male 39 89 91
Married persons, female 38 89 92
Births, preceding year 6 26
Deaths, preceding year 1 5
Marriages, preceding year 1
Born in Newfoundland 260 531 521
Born in England 8 7 1
Born in Ireland 5 2
Families 41 84 50
Church of England 109 145 213
Reformed Church of England
Church of Rome 2 28 20
Wesleyans/Methodists/United Church 162 367 289
Clergymen or ministers
Engaged in office or shop-work
Engaged solely in government services
Fishermen and others who cultivate land
Engaged in catching or curing of fish 48 185 219
Males engaged in catching or curing fish
Females engaged in curing
Able-bodied seamen and fishermen in colony 64 69 73
Engaged in lumbering
Persons employed with saw mills
Who can read and write 194
Children who can read and write 98
Children attending school 3
Children not attending school 201
Church of England building 1
Church of Rome building
Wesleyan/Methodist/United Church building 1 1
Churches of other denominations
School houses
Inhabited Houses 42 84 47
Houses being built or built in last 12 months
Houses now building 1 5 10
Houses built past 12 months
Uninhabited houses 1 2 1
Stores, barns and outhouses 25 63 19
Fishing rooms in use 17 54 15
Saw Mills 4 12 9
Men employed at saw mills 22
Slate Quarry 1
Men employed at slate quarry 2
Vessels directly engaged in fisheries
Vessels – 20 to 60 tons
Vessels – 60 tons upwards
Vessels engaged in Labrador fishery
Men taken down to Labrador
Women taken down to Labrador
Children taken down to Labrador
Large boats – 4 -15 qtls 5 43 97
Large boats – 15 to 30 qtls 2 2
Boats from 4 – 30 qtls
Large boats – 30 qtls and upwards 4 9 18
Motor boats
Vessels built
Tonnage of vessels built
Boats built
Tons of hay cut 12 ¾ 48 35
Barrels of potatoes raised 420 2205 3198
Barrels of turnip raised 18 15
Barrels of other root crops 17 20
Cabbage, heads
Oxen 75
Head of cattle 41 40
Milch cows 13 22 19
Other horned cattle
Horses 4 10 5
Sheep 2 87 82
Swine 79 276
Goats 13
Swine and goats 19
Acres of cultivated land 28 76 61 ½
Acres occupied
Quantity of butter manufactured – lbs 555 830 765
Wool – lbs
Eggs, doz.



In the 1857 census the following communities were recorded separately – Ganny Cove Arm, Gooseberry Cove, Heart’s Ease, and Fox Harbour.

In the 1869 census the following communities were recorded separately – Little Harbour, St. Jones, Heart’s Ease, and Fox Harbour.

In the 1874 census the following communities were recorded separately – Butter Cove, St. Jones, George’s Cove, Gooseberry Cove, Heart’s Ease.


Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, August 2014

These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.