North West Brook 1913

1913 List of Electors
District of Trinity – North West Brook

Number Christian Name and Surname
of Each Elector
Place of Abode Qualifications
2775 BAKER Eliol North West Brook 21 yrs. & upwards
2776 BENSON Thomas North West Brook 21 yrs. & upwards
2777 BAKER James North West Brook 21 yrs. & upwards
2778 BAKER Matthias North West Brook 21 yrs. & upwards
2779 BURSEY Charles North West Brook 21 yrs. & upwards
2780 BENSON Joshua North West Brook 21 yrs. & upwards
2781 BROWN Jacob North West Brook 21 yrs. & upwards
2782 CLARKE Joseph North West Brook 21 yrs. & upwards
2783 CLARKE John North West Brook 21 yrs. & upwards
2784 HOUSE Albert North West Brook 21 yrs. & upwards
2785 HOUSE Charles North West Brook 21 yrs. & upwards
2786 HISCOCK William North West Brook 21 yrs. & upwards
2787 SOPER Isaac North West Brook 21 yrs. & upwards
2788 SOPER Edward North West Brook 21 yrs. & upwards
2789 SOPER Harry North West Brook 21 yrs. & upwards
2790 SOPER Owen North West Brook 21 yrs. & upwards
2791 SOPER Reuben North West Brook 21 yrs. & upwards
2792 SNELGROVE Amos North West Brook 21 yrs. & upwards


Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, March 2015

These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material