St. Jones Within 1913

1913 List of Electors
District of Trinity – St. Jones Within

Number Christian Name and Surname
of Each Elector
Place of Abode Qualifications
2661 BENSON Joseph St. Jones Within 21 yrs. & upwards
2662 BENSON Esau St. Jones Within 21 yrs. & upwards
2663 BENSON Levi St. Jones Within 21 yrs. & upwards
2664 BENSON David St. Jones Within 21 yrs. & upwards
2665 BROWN James St. Jones Within 21 yrs. & upwards
2666 BUTT Joseph St. Jones Within 21 yrs. & upwards
2667 BUTT William St. Jones Within 21 yrs. & upwards
2668 HILLIARD Elijah St. Jones Within 21 yrs. & upwards
2669 HILLIARD Martin St. Jones Within 21 yrs. & upwards
2670 IVANY William St. Jones Within 21 yrs. & upwards
2671 IVANY Simon St. Jones Within 21 yrs. & upwards
2672 KING William St. Jones Within 21 yrs. & upwards
2673 KING Eli St. Jones Within 21 yrs. & upwards
2674 KING Guy St. Jones Within 21 yrs. & upwards
2675 KING Matthias St. Jones Within 21 yrs. & upwards
2676 MILLER Robert St. Jones Within 21 yrs. & upwards
2677 MILLER George St. Jones Within 21 yrs. & upwards
2678 MILLER Hezekiah St. Jones Within 21 yrs. & upwards
2679 ROGERS James St. Jones Within 21 yrs. & upwards
2680 SQUIRES Joseph St. Jones Within 21 yrs. & upwards
2681 SQUIRES Benjamin St. Jones Within 21 yrs. & upwards
2682 TUCKER Silas St. Jones Within 21 yrs. & upwards
2683 TUCKER John St. Jones Within 21 yrs. & upwards


Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, March 2015

These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material