North West Brook 1924

District of Trinity
North West Brook

No. Surname Christian Name Place of Abode Qualifications
1 BURSEY Charles North West Brook 21 years & upwards
2 BURSEY Joseph North West Brook 21 years & upwards
3 BURSEY Moses North West Brook 21 years & upwards
4 BROWN Jacob North West Brook 21 years & upwards
5 HISCOCK Wm. North West Brook 21 years & upwards
6 PELLEY Nicholas North West Brook 21 years & upwards
7 SNELGROVE Amos North West Brook 21 years & upwards
8 SNELGROVE Fred North West Brook 21 years & upwards
9 SOPER Isaac North West Brook 21 years & upwards
10 SOPER Adam North West Brook 21 years & upwards
11 SOPER Owen North West Brook 21 years & upwards
12 SOPER James North West Brook 21 years & upwards
13 VIVIAN John North West Brook 21 years & upwards
14 VIVIAN James North West Brook 21 years & upwards


Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, March 2015

These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.