1928 List of Electors
District of Trinity – Black Brook
Number | Christian Name and Surname of Each Elector |
Place of Abode | Qualifications | |
606 | BAKER | James | Black Brook | Males 21 year & upwards.
Females 25 years and upward. |
607 | BAKER | Josiah | Black Brook | |
608 | BAKER | Annie | Black Brook | |
609 | BAKER | Mathias | Black Brook | |
610 | BAKER | Hannha | Black Brook | |
611 | CLARKE | John | Black Brook | |
612 | CLARKE | Mary J. | Black Brook | |
613 | NORRIS | William | Black Brook | |
614 | NORRIS | Jemima | Black Brook | |
615 | NORRIS | Frank | Black Brook | |
616 | NORRIS | John | Black Brook | |
617 | NORRIS | Jane | Black Brook | |
618 | SOPER | Reuben | Black Brook | |
619 | SOPER | Charity | Black Brook |
Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, March 2015
These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material