Loreburn 1928

1928 List of Electors
District of Trinity – Loreburn

Number Christian Name and Surname
of Each Elector
Place of Abode Qualifications
766 MEADUS Caleb Loreburn Males 21 year & upwards.

Females 25 years and upward.

767 MEADUE Cathrine Loreburn
768 PRICE Elijah Loreburn
769 PRICE Naomi Loreburn
770 PRICE Absolom Loreburn
771 PRICE Henry Loreburn
772 PRICE Mary Loreburn
773 PRICE Simion Loreburn
774 PRICE Minnie Loreburn
775 PRICE John Loreburn
776 PRICE Bertha Jane Loreburn
777 PRICE Uriah Loreburn
778 PRICE James Loreburn
779 PRICE Jeremiah Loreburn
780 PRICE Stephen Loreburn
781 PRICE Wm. James Loreburn
782 PRICE Rebecca Loreburn


Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, March 2015

These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material