1928 List of Electors
District of Trinity – North West Brook
Number | Christian Name and Surname of Each Elector |
Place of Abode | Qualifications | |
581 | BURSEY | Charles | North West Brook | Males 21 year & upwards.
Females 25 years and upward. |
582 | BURSEY | Eliza | North West Brook | |
583 | BURSEY | Moses | North West Brook | |
584 | BURSEY | Reuben | North West Brook | |
585 | BURSEY | Joseph | North West Brook | |
586 | BURSEY | Sarah | North West Brook | |
587 | BROWN | Jacob | North West Brook | |
588 | BROWN | Minnie | North West Brook | |
589 | BROWN | Samuel | North West Brook | |
590 | HISCOCK | Julia | North West Brook | |
591 | SOPER | Isaac | North West Brook | |
592 | SOPER | Beatrice | North West Brook | |
593 | SOPER | Elizabeth | North West Brook | |
594 | SOPER | Adam | North West Brook | |
595 | SOPER | Vivian | North West Brook | |
596 | SOPER | Louisa | North West Brook | |
597 | SOPER | Edward | North West Brook | |
598 | SOPER | Reuben | North West Brook | |
599 | SNELGROVE | Amos | North West Brook | |
600 | SNELGROVE | Hannah | North West Brook | |
601 | SNELGROVE | Fred | North West Brook | |
602 | SNELGROVE | Veenie | North West Brook | |
603 | VIVIAN | James | North West Brook | |
604 | VIVIAN | Sarah | North West Brook | |
605 | VIVIAN | John | North West Brook |
Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, March 2015
These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material