House Cove 1946

List of Electors
District of Trinity Centre

No. Surname First Name Sex
1 AVERY Martha F
2 AVERY Nicholas M
3 DRODGE Eldred M
4 JACOBS Angelina F
5 JACOBS Arthur M
6 JACOBS Benjamin M
7 JACOBS Joanna F
8 JACOBS Leslie J M
9 JACOBS Magdalene F
10 PRICE Benjamin M
11 PRICE Susanna F
12 SOPER Annie F F
13 SOPER Cleophas M
14 SOPER Delilah F
15 SOPER Elijah M
16 SOPER Grenfell M
17 SOPER Jonah M
18 SOPER Margaret F
19 SOPER Miriam F
20 SOPER Phyllis F
21 SOPER William T M


Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, April 2015


These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.