Voters List – 1847

District of Trinity Bay

A list of persons entitled to vote in the election of a member for the district of Trinity Bay in respect of dwelling houses situated in the respective diversions of the said district.

No. Christian name and surname of each voter Place of abode and qualifications Street name or local description.
298 BAKER James Hearts Ease Owner
299 BAKER Robert, Jr.
300 BAKER Robert, Sr.
301 FARREL John
302 SMITH George
303 GEORGE Thomas Long Island
304 GEORGE Robert
305 GEORGE Robert, Jr.
306 HULL William
307 HISCOCK Thomas Long Island
308 LANGER James Gooseberry Cove
309 SEWARD Edward Gooseberry Cove
310 PITCHER Charles Gooseberry Cove
311 SEWARD Robert Gooseberry Cove
312 SEWARD James Gooseberry Cove
313 SEWARD Mark Gooseberry Cove
323 AVERY James Fox Harbour Owner
324 BAKER Thomas
325 DEAN James
326 OLSWORTH Thomas
327 LAMBERT John
328 MARTIN Joseph
329 SMITH Thomas
330 WELLS William

Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, March 2015

These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.