Voters List – 1859

District of Trinity Bay

A list of persons entitled to vote in the election of a member for the district of Trinity Bay in respect of dwelling houses situated in the respective diversions of the said district.

No. Christian name and surname of each voter Place of abode and qualifications Street name or local description.
Hearts Ease and Fox Harbour
362 AYLWARD Thomas Owner
363 AVERY James Owner Fox Harbour
364 AVERY John Owner Fox Harbour
365 BAKER James Owner
366 BAKER Thomas Owner
367 BAKER Robert, Sr. Owner
368 BAKER Robert, Jr.
369 BAKER John Owner Son of Thomas
370 BAKER John Owner Son of James
371 BURRAGE Richard Owner
372 BROWN James Owner
373 DEAN James Owner
374 DEAN William Owner
375 GEORGE Thomas (Dead) Owner
376 GEORGE Robert Owner
377 HISCOCK Thomas (Trinity) Owner
378 LAMBERT John Owner
379 MARTIN Joseph Owner
380 PITCHER Charles Owner
381 PITCHER Charles, Jr. Owner
382 SEWARD Robert (Dead) Owner
383 SEWARD Solomon Owner
384 SEWARD Richard Gooseberry Cove
385 SEWARD Joseph Gooseberry Cove
386 SEWARD Mark Gooseberry Cove
387 SMITH George
388 SPURREL Moses Gooseberry Cove
389 SMITH Thomas
390 SMITH Benjamin
391 SHAW George
392 SHAW John
393 WELLS William Fox Harbour
394 WHITE William (William crossed and Philip written in Fox Harbour
395 VARDY George Clay Pits
396 BENSON Isaac Clay Pits
397 LANGER James
398 BLUNDEN Stephen Hickmans Harbour
399 BLUNDEN William Hickmans Harbourt

Note:Items in brackets were also written in later.

Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, March 2015

These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.