Voters List – 1861

District of Trinity Bay

A list of persons entitled to vote in the election of a member for the district of Trinity Bay in respect of dwelling houses situated in the respective diversions of the said district.

No. Christian name and surname of each voter Place of abode and qualifications Street name or local description.
Hearts Ease and Fox Harbour
417 AYLWARD Thomas Owner
418 AVERY James Owner Fox Harbour
419 AVERY John Owner Fox Harbour
420 BAKER James Owner
421 BAKER Thomas Owner
422 BAKER Robert Owner
423 BAKER Robert Owner
424 Number not used
425 BAKER John Owner Son of Thomas
426 BAKER John Son of James
427 DEAN James Owner
428 DEAN William Owner
429 FARREL John Owner
430 GEORGE Robert Owner
431 HISCOCK Thomas Owner Hearts Ease
432 LAMBERT John Owner
433 MARTIN Joseph Owner
434 PITCHER Charles Owner
435 PITCHER Charles, Jr Owner
SOWARD Robert (Dead) Owner
436 SOWARD Solomon Owner
437 SOWARD Richard Owner Gooseberry Cove
438 SEWARD Joseph Owner Gooseberry Cove
439 SEWARD Mark Owner Ganny Cove
440 SPURREL Moses Owner Ganny Cove
441 SMITH Thomas Owner
442 SMITH Benjamin Owner
443 SPURREL Azariah Owner
444 SHAW George Owner
445 SHAW John Owner
446 WELLS William Owner Fox Harbour
447 WHITE Philip Owner Fox Harbour
448 VARDY George Owner Clay Pits
449 BENSON Isaac Owner Clay Pits
450 LANGER James Owner
451 BLUNDON Stephen Owner Hickmans Harbour
452 BLUNDON William Owner Hickmans Harbour

Note:  Items in brackets were written in later.

Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, March 2015

These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.