Voters List – 1865

District of Trinity Bay

A list of persons entitled to vote in the election of a member for the district of Trinity Bay in respect of dwelling houses situated in the respective diversions of the said district.

No. Christian name and surname of each voter Place of abode and qualifications Street name or local description.
Hearts Ease
455 BAKER James Owner
456 BAKER Robert Owner
457 BAKER John Owner
458 BAKER William Owner
459 DODGE Robert, Sr. Owner
460 DODGE Robert, Jr. Owner
461 DODGE John Owner
462 FARREL John Owner
463 PITCHER Charles, Sr. Owner
464 PITCHER Charles, Jr Owner
Garret or Ganny Cove
465 HISCOCK Thomas Owner
466 SPURRELL Moses Owner
467 SPURRELL David Owner
468 SPURRELL Uriah Owner
Gooseberry Cove
469 LANGAR James Owner
470 SEWARD Peter Owner
471 SEWARD Joseph Owner
472 SEWARD Mark Owner
473 SEWARD Richard Owner
474 SEWARD Solomon Owner
475 SMITH Benjamin Owner
Fox Harbour
476 BROWN James Owner
477 BAKER John Owner
478 BAKER Thomas Owner
479 AVERY James, Sr. Owner
480 AVERY James, Jr. Owner
481 AVERY Thomas Owner
482 DEAN WIlliam Owner
483 DEAN Charles Owner
484 DEAN Stephen Owner
485 ELSWORTH Thomas Owner
486 HISCOCK Henry Owner
487 IVANY Mark Owner
489 MILLER Thomas Owner
490 MARTIN Joseph Owner
491 MARTIN John Owner
492 POND James Owner
493 POND William Owner
494 SMITH Thomas Owner
495 WHITE Philip Owner
496 WELLS William Owner
Southwest Random
497 BLUNDON William Owner
498 BENSON Isaac Owner
499 BENSON Hezekiah Owner
500 DROVER James, Sr. Owner
501 DROVER James, Jr. Owner
502 JACOBS Stephen Owner
503 JACOBS Thomas Owner
504 JACOBS John Owner
505 LAMBERT James Owner
506 NORRIS William Owner
507 PIDDLE Caleb Owner
508 PIDDLE John Owner
509 SHAW George Owner
510 SHAW John Owner
511 VARDY George Owner

Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, March 2015

These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.