He never came home

Reprinted from The Packet, November 6, 2015
by Lester Green


Luke Smith, born Aug. 7, 1886, was the fourth oldest son of Martha and Joseph Smith.

Luke Smith

Luke Smith

He enlisted with the Royal Naval Reservists March 18, 1906, and completed his training at HMS Calypso.At that time he was given the Newfoundland #233, which was replaced when he re-enlisted in 1914 and assigned the number 947X.

The Calypso arrived in St. John’s in 1902 and served as a depot and drill ship for the newly-formed Naval Reserve.

He was the first son of the Smith’s to become involved with the Naval Reserve, which was a source of employment for men like Luke during the winter.

In May, 1913, at the age of 27, Luke married Isabella Spurrell, daughter of Moses and Mary Ann Spurrell, of Butter Cove.

A year later, the world was gripped by a raging conflict that was building in Europe. When war was declared in July, all reservist were recalled to active duty.

Luke was recalled on Aug. 3, 1914 ,to active duty. Between August  and November, he  was trained at the St. John’s Naval depot, and on Nov. 19, was assigned duty at HMS Vivid I Naval Base near Devonport, England.

He was transferred to HMS Hilary on Dec. 6 and remained there until Jan 4, 1917.

The ship was assigned to the 10th Cruiser Squadron and formed part of the Northern Patrol blockading trade to Germany.

His final assignment came on Jan. 5, 1915, when he was ordered to report to the Naval Base HMS Pembroke I at Chathman, England.

He was tragically killed while on leave and aboard the H.M.S Laurentic on Jan. 25, 1917.

The ship was leaving the port of Lough Swilly, Ireland, when struck a German mine off the Fanal Head and then struck a second mine.

The ship quickly sank in the darkness on a bitterly cold night in a snowstorm that was blasting the ship with gale force winds. Luke was just 30 years old.

Oral family history suggests Luke was on leave and planning to return to Gooseberry Cove to see his wife and daughter, Viola May, who had been born July 21, 1915.

He had never seen his infant daughter and was excited about going home.

He is remembered with honour at Beaumont-Hamel Newfoundland Memorial.