Hodge’s Cove Youth Awarded Scholarships

by Ferne Foley
Reprinted with permission from The Packet, Tuesday, May 14, 1991, Page 10

Duane Smith accepts the LOBA Silver Jubilee Award from Doris Harnum, Grand Mistress of the provincial lodge.

Duane Smith accepts the LOBA Silver Jubilee Award from Doris Harnum, Grand Mistress of the provincial lodge.

A Hodge’s Cove youth made his parents and community proud a few weeks ago when he was awarded three scholarships from the Provincial Loyal Orange Brethren’s Association.

Duane Smith, son of Janet and Smith, was honored at a pot luck supper on April 23.

Doris Harnum, provincial Grand Mistress, presented Duane with the Silver Jubilee award worth $250. Eldred Penney, Provincial Grand Master, presented him with a scholarship from the provincial Black Chapter as well as a $100 runner up scholarship from the provincial Grand Lodge.

The young man previously received the Silver Jubilee when he was in grade 11 as well as several scholarships from the Hodge’s Cove-Caplin Cove Lions Club during his high school years.

In grade 12 he also received the Robert G. Reid scholarship of $500 and was named the Athlete of the Year.

Duane is now attending Memorial University and is a former student of Little Heart’s Ease Integrated School.

Eldred Penney, provincial Grand Master, presents Duane Smith with a scholarship.

Eldred Penney, provincial Grand Master, presents Duane Smith with a scholarship.


Transcribed by Lester Green, April 2015

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