Home Again

Reprinted from The Packet, August 6, 2009
By Gavin Simms

Camping where they once lived

Gordon Lambert’s as happy as a clam peeling carrots and potatoes for a jigs dinner family feast.

Below the hill volunteers are setting up the entertainment stage for Southport’s first-ever reunion. The Lambert’s will have box seats for the show.

Gordon’s come from Corner Brook with his trailer in tow, to join his brothers and sisters and all his old friends in the grand celebration.

He pulled in July 29, and parked his camper on the very site of the house he and his seven siblings grew up in. It’s a virtual trip back in time.

Gordon left his hometown in 1963, but tries to get back every year for a visit.

His brother Harold is camping out with him. He’s come all the way from PEI.

When they arrived, the brothers say they never had a picnic table or a barbecue or even a generator, but now they do. All you have to do is ask in Southport.

Harold says he’s come to see people he hasn’t seen in forever.

“There’ll be a lot of stories to tell and lies told,” he laughs.

Of the eight brothers and sisters only four have made it home for the occasion.

The two brothers recall the time when boats put-putted into the harbour, loaded down with fish.

With the recreational fishery in full swing they say it was a prime time to hold the reunion. There would be no Southport without codfish and it’s nice to see the boats on the go now.

They were out on the water in the morning to catch their few fish. It was so foggy they joke they had a job to find their shoes.

But that’s to be expected when you come from a Newfoundland outport. The weather doesn’t matter, just as long as you’re home.


Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, September 2019

These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.