Mail Service in Trinity Bay

Reprinted from the Evening Telegram, June 3, 1893 

The Genial Captain of the SS “Dart” Interviewed and the Route Described

Captain E. Seward who assumes command of the steamer Dart, engaged for the mail service on Trinity Bay, was interviewed by a reporter of ours on board the trim little craft this morning. The captain states that he will be ready to leave Trinity Bay this evening, and that he will start on the mail route on Tuesday next.

The captain describes the route as follows: – Leaving Lower Shoal Harbor on Tuesday morning, the steamer will call at Hickman’s Harbor, Fox Harbor and Trinity. Leaving Trinity on Wednesday morning, she will call at New Bonaventure, Ireland’s Eye and from there, crossing the bay, she will call at Heart’s Content, and, recrossing, she will call at Fox Harbor and stay there for the night. On Thursday morning she will leave Fox Harbor and call at Little Heart’s Ease, Hodge’s Cove, Long Beach, North Bight and back to Fox Harbor. Leaving Fox Harbor on Friday morning she will call at Hickman’s Harbor, Ball Knap, Lee Bight, Elliot’s Cove and Lower Shoal Harbor, completing the route.

The captain stated that there might be some little alteration in the route describe after he has gone over it and tested the capabilities of the little boat.

Captain Seward is a man of a good deal of push and energy, and is of a very genial and obliging disposition, and no better man to have charge of the service could be found in “this Newfoundland of ours.”


Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, November 2014