Road Construction

Harbor Grace Standard, September 9, 1882

The Roads are extending – though but slowly I am informed. And no wonder, for the pernicious fashion prevails here, as in some other districts, of allowing the road grant to be looked upon as a pauper grant, or rather as a bonus given by the Government to every man: all expect their share or part; and if they don’t get it the Road Board or Commissioner will hear of it. The men, of course, are not settled home till late; and so often road work does not begin before the snow comes. Fancy a man possessed, say, of a couple of schooners, and perhaps a mill or two even – whose average earnings with boats, mills, &c., come to £1000 yearly – looking for his part of the road money just the same as a poor half starving pauper would. If any man is away when the work is going on, he expects his money to be kept back for him till he comes home. The roads about Smith’s Sound and that from Heart’s Ease to Little Harbor (which is about 5 miles long – about the longest in the district) are frightfully hilly – as a woman observed, “they are critical seemly.”


Evening Telegram, April 29, 1892

Wednesday, April 20th.

The House opened at four o’clock.

Dr. Tait gave notice that he would, on to-morrow, ask leave to introduce a bill to amend the Public Health Act of 1880.

Mr. Webber presented a petition from James Drover and others, of Hodge’s Cove, praying for a sum of money to erect a bridge across Hodge’s Cove Brook. Petitioners pointed out that the bridge was badly needed by them as they could not cross the river except by means of a boat which was not available at all times, and it was over a mile to go around by land. The bridge would prove a great benefit to the people of the locality, by enabling them to carry on their business with more despatch, besides being a great convenience to the clergymen of different denominations who visited the locality, and he hoped that, with the aid of his hon. colleagues, he would be able to meet the wishes of petitioners; also, a petition from D. Peddle and others, of Hodge’s Cove, on the subject of a road.


Harbor Grace Standard, May 20th, 1904

Wednesday, March 23.
The house opened at 4 p.m.
Minister of Public Works, Mr. Gushue, presented a petition from Isaac Adey, C. Balsam and others of Lee Bight, Deep Bight and Northern Bight, Trinity Bay, asking for the sum of $100 to build a road from the main road at Lee Bight to the water. The petition not only covered the request for a much needed road, but the inhabitants hoped to have the steamer call on her way to and from Clarenville.
Mr. Watson—He had a letter by the mail asking him to support that petition, and he had much pleasure in doing so.
Mr. Warren had much pleasure in supporting the petition.


Taken from: Proceedings of the House of Assembly and Legislative Council during the Session of the General Assembly of Newfoundland 1916

…inhabitants of St. Jones Within, asking that the sum of $300 be allocated for the construction of a road. The road extends from Hillview to Hatchett Cove, and from Hatchett Cove to St. Jones Within. Also another petition from the same settlement, asking for $150 for the construction of a bridge. Both these petitions are very largely signed, and I would ask that they be received and referred to the Department to which they relate.



Transcribed by Lisa Garrett and Wanda Garrett. Page created March 2018. Updated January 2022

These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.