


In Memory of…

Sidney Smith  
Lester and Helen Green father William Jacobs.
Elizabeth Brown John Brown.
Shirley and Doug Knight  
Janet Smith  
Eric and Ethel Smith father John Peddle and brothers Willis and Josiah Drover.
Joe and Doris Peddle great uncle Bill Peddle.
Lucy Martin and Eliab Smith uncles Eliab Smith, Winston Hiscock, and Joshua Hiscock.
Steve and Lorraine Knight  
John and Elaine Spurrell uncles Alex Peddle and Abraham Spurrell.
Gene Peddle father Stewart Peddle and grandfather Andrew Peddle.
Maisie Ploughman father Benjamin Smith and his brothers.
Gary Peddle father Nelson Peddle and grandfathers Andrew Peddle and Albert Drover.
Levi and Myra Churchill father Caleb Churchill.
Mildred and Jack Bishop Drovers and Bishops.
Earle and Winnie Smith parents Leander and Catherine Drodge.
Donald Smith family who served.
Daisy and Lyndon Whalen Nathaniel Whalen.
Harold Peddle and Sue Grenier father Alex Peddle and grandfather Silas Boone.
Rev. Brian Hannon  
Maxine and Raymond Langor great uncle Richard Spurrell.
Joe and Ninie Smith uncle Richard Spurrell.
Linda Peddle parents Leander and Catherine Drodge.
Ralph King father Absalom King and friend Leander Drover.
Georgi Drover and Mackie Lambert father George Drover, grandfathers  James Drover and Eucleus Lambert, and great uncles John and Thomas Lambert.
Tim Drodge grandfather Albert Drodge and great uncle Eli Drodge.
Lindsay and Ethel Peddle fathers Alex Peddle and Chesley Tucker, grandfathers Silas Boone and Eli Drodge.
Betty Stringer brothers Esau, George, and Benjamin Baker.
Sarah Sharpe George Martin and Harry Sharpe.
Goobie Rental Joshua Goobie and Jethro Green.
Blanche Spurrell  
Debbie Drodge, Lewis and Brad Drodge Albert Drodge.
Dianne Kearley Clarence and Mae Peddle.
Stewart and Melvina Eddy James Critch and George Critch.
Ellen Curtis Aubrey Curtis.
Willis Peddle Leonard and Mary Peddle.
Harvey Smith John, Ben, Luke, Isaac, and Roy Smith; Josiah and James Avery; and, George Critch.
Elsie Spurrell Strong William Peddle.
Linda and John Martin family who served.
Steve Browne Joseph Martin.
Ivan Jacobs William Jacobs and Bram Jacobs.
Ronald Thomas; Patricia Thomas Goobie Cyril Thomas.
Edgar John and Gertie Smith Simeon Whalen, Nathaniel Whalen, and Benjamin Smith.
Marguerite Stringer and Nancy Peddle William Peddle, Eldred Stringer, Max Peddle, and Doris Peddle.
Sylvia Meadus Richard Spurrell.
Crystal Avery; Sheryl Avery Smith; Lorne Avery; Laurie Smith; Shannon Glover; Jill Sowyrda; Helen and Valence Smith; John Churchill; Wayne C. Churchill; Calvin Churchill; Joshua Churchill; Allison Churchill; Phil, Perry and Pauline Churchill. George Churchill.
Lillian and Ted Drover; Edward and Anne Whalen; Randy and Sylvia Lambert; Ron and Marlene Barron; Alison and Edgar Whalen; Pearl and Denise Whalen Nathaniel Whalen, Sr.
Sheila Stringer Cadieux loved ones who served.
Bill and Frances Smith Nathaniel Smith.
Ethel Squires Cyril Thomas.
Baxter Smith Joseph and Martha Smith, and their five sons who served.
Alfred and Audrey Stacey Bill Peddle, Robert Drover, Nathaniel Whalen, Edgar Whalen, Simeon Whalen, and Arthur Jacobs.
Denise Peddle Whalen Andrew Peddle.
Jim Peddle Archer Peddle, Clarence Peddle, Alexander Peddle, Albert Drover, Arch Dodge, and Joe Dodge.
Selena Seward Stringer loved ones who served.
Wayne Stringer and Christine Peddle Stringer Max and Doris Peddle
Garfield Stringer Gilbert Stringer
Marv Pitcher Sargent Luke Pitcher, Wilson Avery, and Chester Avery
Gwen Peddle Baxter Peddle
Evelyn Dodge; Dawn Dodge, Beverley Drover; Bruce Peddle and family; Kevin Peddle and family; Myrtice and Herb Spurrell; Trevor and Mitzi Spurrell; Jackie Dean and Rick; Terry and Sandra Spurrell; Annie Newberry and Randy; Jack and Irene Vey Peddle; Kirk and Lori Peddle; Greg and Lesley Peddle; Julie and Preston Peddle; Lillian Peddle; Karen Sparkes; Kim Peddle; Ann Peddle; Russell Peddle; Wendy Peddle; Tracey Peddle; Joan and George Peddle; Florence and Sandy Peddle; Myrtice Morgan and Courtney. Alexander Peddle (Sr.) and Ralph Peddle
Marilyn Churchill Baker Caleb Churchill
Lori Haracsi Leander (Lee) Drover
Doug Peddle Harvey Peddle
Elaine Vey those who served
Harold Avery those who served
Warrick and Maureen Spurrell Andrew Peddle and Stewart Peddle
Donna Vey Wilson Vey
Joyce Bailey Baxter King
Maisie Ploughman the Smith brothers
Russell and Myra Bishop the Bishop and Smith veterans
David Stoyles Ellison H. Stoyles
Jerome Tobin and Audrey Baird George Thomas
Rosemary Foley Andrew Shaw
Clifford and Carol Peddle Nelson Peddle
Susan Spurrell Ouest  
Karen Spurrell, Lloyd Vey, and Kathy Smith Wilson Vey
Shelley and Ed Smith Robert Smith
Ed and Donna Smith, Annie Smith Mary and Moses Spurrell, and Warrick Smith
Russell and Inez Durant William Thomas Benson and Kenneth Churchill
Fred Shaw Daniel F. Shaw
Jennifer and Nicholas Lambert Nicholas Avery
Austin and Evelyn Benson William Thomas Benson and Kenneth Churchill
Debbie and Robert Churchill Caleb Churchill
Anthony and Annie Shaw Andrew Shaw
Bruce and Bernice Stacey Mary (Stoker-Hall) and Leonard Peddle
Alonzo and Eleanor (Baker) Stringer All who served
Lorraine Sansford Catherine (Fieldhouse) and Leander Drodge
Richard and Carol Johnson Leander Drover
John and Dorothy Vey John Baker and Arthur Jacobs
Calvin Benson William Thomas Benson
Michael Foley Andrew Shaw
Junior and Donna Drover James Drover and Nathaniel Smith
Elsie Demmer Eli Seward
Wesley and Oswald Stringer Levi Stringer and George Strong
Dawn Dodge Joseph and Archer Dodge
George Peddle Leonard and Mary (Stoker-Hall) Peddle
Andrew Shaw Andrew Shaw
Vic and Laura Drover James Drover and all who served
Jim Smith Benjamin Smith
Maude Stoyles; Linda Forsey; Rosalind Stoyles Downer; Pauline Stoyles Murphy; Gordon Stoyles; Doris Osmond Ellison Stoyles
Michael Johnson All who served
Jim Weatherby James Chaulk
Eva Drodge George All who served
Ken Jr., Ken Churchill, and Sharon Ellis All who served
Lorne Benson William Thomas Benson and Kenneth Churchill
Albert Drover Albert Drover
Clarence and Joyce Seward Loves ones
Garfield and Elaine Stringer Esau Baker and Josiah Avery
Don and Bev Drodge Joseph Stringer and Albert Drodge
Vania Doucette Herbert Spurrell
Frank and Sandra Drover James Drover
Milton and Lawana Vey All who served
Ray and Winnie Cooper Caleb Cooper, Douglas Cooper, Robert Cooper, Eliab Smith, Roland Smith, Leander Drover, and Oswald Warren
Harold and Barbara Martin All who served
Della Smith Gagnon Donna Smit
Lynda Ellis Walter and Charles Churchill
Roger Quinton Stringer All schooner fishermen during WWII
Maise Ploughman Benjamin Smith and his brothers
Randy and Annie Balsom-Whalen Daniel Balsom, Edwin Balsom, and William Vey
Bill Spurrell Herbert Spurrell
Stanley and Christine Spurrell Loved ones
Rosanna Shaw Bernard Shaw
Gushue family of Mary Martha (Spurrell) Gushue Samuel Spurrell and Joseph Spurrell
Stan and Joan Drodge Calvin Humber
Alice Smith George Critch and Nathaniel Critch
Joe Stringer Eldred Stringer and Joseph Stringer
Warren Langor Richard Spurrell
Gary Smith Joseph Edward Smith
Edgar Dodge All who served
Hayward and Nina Avery Levi James Avery
Max and Flo Peddle All veterans
Sandra Oliver and Sharon Whalen Gilbert Stringer
Eileen Avery All who served
Avalon and Debbie Drover All who served
Garland and Shirley Jennings; Wanda Garrett Moses Smith
Lester C. Lambert All Who Served
Clayton and Marie Smith All Who Served
Raymond and Mandy Spurrell; Cecil and Muriel Stringer Esau Baker, George Baker, and Willis Drover
Doug and Bev Spurrell George Stringer and Eucleus Lambert
Shirley, Blanche, Glenys, Linda, Guy, and Norman Ariel Francis King
Paul Smith Martha and Joseph Smith and their five sons – Ben, Urias, John, Luke and Isaac
Lori Ferguson Chaytor on behalf of the Chaytor family All Who Served
Dwayne and Barbie Drover All Who Served
Diane May Drover, Leanne Drover, and Michael Drover Leander Drover
Judi and Bob Peddle Max and Doris Peddle
Michelle Vey-Compton All Who Served
Dianne Kearley Clarence Peddle, Archer Peddle, and Joe Dodge
Shirley Murphy All Who Served
Lynn Marsh All Who Served
Mary Hannah Palmateer; Wayne Green; Doris and Alphonsus Seward; Paul and Hilda Reid; Irene and Everett Lambert; Lester and Helen Green; Alvena and Glen Laite; Dallas and Perry Mifflin; Rod and Roxanna Green; Trevor Seward and Juanita; Jenny Seward and Sheldon Lambert; Dawn and Craig Stanley; Jonathan Lambert and Krista; Amanda and Russell Stockley; Samantha Green-Monfils and Alain Monfils; Nikita and Rob Oberlander; Noelle Laite; Allison Mifflin; Mitchell and Kristy Mifflin; Valentina and Santiago Green; Adrian and Alia Seward; Breanna Seward; Norah and James Stockley; Leo Green-Monfils; Max, Heather and Charlotte Mifflin; Justin Spurrell and Brittany; Darcy Smith, Logan Reid, Rachel Stanley, Liam Stanley; Lelanda and Zoe Oberlander; Kyla and Jax Oberlander William and Olive Green
Mark Desjardins, Claire Desjardins, Darlene Desjardins, Jeanne Louise Gilbert Stringer
Marv Pitcher Sargent Luke Pitcher
Clara and Rick Seward Richard Seward
Eric Stringer All who served
Richard and Norman Jean Peddle Stewart Peddle
Sheila Howse John Peddle
Loretta Lambert John Peddle, Josiah Drover, Willis Drover, and Levi G. Lambert
Dawn Smith-Skulski Clarence Smith
Tom and Audrey Stringer George Stringer and William Vey
The Peddle Sisters and Guest Fundraiser Concert All who served
Clarenville Co-op and Clarenville Lion’s Club All who served
Melanie and Duane Smith Clarence Smith
Audrey Drodge, Derrick Drodge, David Drodge, Greg Drodge, Lori Kelly, Lynette Peach Wilson Vey and Albert Drodge
Paul Peddle Clarence Peddle and Archer Peddle
Selina Brown Nathaniel Smith and James Drover
Roxanne and Conrad Lambert Arthur Dean
Kevin Morawski and Diane Vey-Morawski Baxter Peddle
Joseph Seward Ronald Seward
Karen Belle Avery and Levi Avery Stewart Peddle
Darryl and Maria Drover Caleb Churchill, Albert Drover, and Archer Peddle
Southwest Arm Lions Club 50/50 Draw All who served
Elaine Short Lewis Spurrell
Howard and Lorraine Marsh All who served
Helen Peddle Abljah Peddle
Diane Kearley; Gail Perks Clarence Peddle
Hedley Drover All who served
Doug and Sharon King Absalom King and Bert King
Donna and Chesley Smith Moses Smith
Effie Roberts Abraham Spurrell
Bradley R. Dean All who served
Leslie and Grace Dean Ulysses Lambert and Arthur Dean
Pam St. Croix Loved ones
Emma Branton All who served
Ron Peddle Alexander Peddle and Silas Boone
Wayne and Pauline Lambert All who served
Jennifer and Brian Floyd Baker All who served
Dianne Kearley Mae Peddle
Vicki and Calvin Drover Albert Drover
Roy and Maxine Drover Loved ones
Yvonne Rowsell Nelson Peddle and Albert Drover
Scott Crocker All who served
Conrad and Roxanne Lambert Arthur Dean
Carrie Balsom Katie Balsom and Clyde R. Smith
Kevin and Daphne Fitzgerald Loved ones
Carson Drover All who served
Clyde Churchill Caleb Churchill
Claude Seward and Valerie Johnson All who served
Vanessa Whalen Didham Nathaniel Whalen (Sr.)
Abby Churchill-Tuck and Chad Tuck Loved ones
Allison and Dennis Drover Loved ones
Grace and Russ Drover Loved ones
Alma Whalen Joseph Dodge
Viola Peddle All who served
Victoria Norris Arthur Jacobs
Reg Sherren Nelson Sherren
Carol Stringer Marsh Eldred Stringer
Maxine and Klaus Boehler; Jenny and Gary Norman Levi Thomas Jacobs
Randy and Annie Balsom-Whalen All who served
Stephanie Drover All who served
Peter Chaulk All who served
Raymond Strowbridge and Maxwell Strowbridge Fred Strowbridge
Wayne Hodder All who served
Melvin Gregory Jonathan Gregory
Loretta Lambert John Peddle and all who served
Paul Peddle Clarence Peddle, Archer Peddle, Austin Pelley
Lisa and Fred Dean; Margaret Jane Baker Arthur Dean
Rocky Martin All who served
Glennis Stoyles Lester Stoyles
Eric Peddle Alexander Peddle and Silas Boone
Evelyn Dodge and Myrtice Spurrell Ralph Peddle
Rodger and Kate Rowsell All who served
Harvey Drover Leander Drover
Craig Avery Robert Avery
Irene Lambert Justin Lambert
Flora Drover-Abbott James Drover and Nathaniel Smith
Valerie Drodge Leonard and Mary Peddle
Sarah Sharpe Andrew Peddle
Louise, Dave and Melanie Grandy Leander Drover
Daphne Whalen-Brake All who served
Gordon and Ivy Lambert Arthur Dean
George C. Smith Ben, Uriah, John, Luke, and Isaac Smith, and all who served
Mary and Dave Tucker Steve Tucker and all who served
Deena Stringer, Colleen Stringer and Bernice Jacobs Gilbert Stringer
Oliver and Bertha Greening Ernest Avery
Wayne and Joan Drover All who served
Rex and Sheila Spurrell All who served
Max and Doris Smith Darlene Smith and all who served
Alma Loder All who served
Melvina Eddy James Critch
DRC Publishing All who served
Brian and Natalie Whalen All who served
Lynn Marsh George Drover, Willis Drover, and Josiah Drover
Joan and Jamie Whibley; Ralph Jacobs Levi Thomas Jacobs
Deanne Drover Dodge Albert Drover
Marie Peddle Leander Drover and loved ones
Renee Peddle Howse Alexander Peddle and Silas Boone
Shirley Peddle George Drover, Willis Drover, Josiah Drover
Marilyn Whalen All who served and those still serving
Maurice Smith Benjamin Smith and his four brothers
Matt Drover and Gill Hickman Leander Drover
Arlene Kelly, Olive Vey, Christine Lambert, Elaine Smith, Wanda Seward, Crystal Newell Gilbert Stringer, Esau Baker
Bonnie Smith Reid William Vey
Louise Smith All who served
Sheila and Allister Goobie Joshua Goobie and Jethro Green
Ingham and Lucy Soper All who served
Jacob and Kathleen Spurrell Caleb Churchill, George Churchill, Clayton King
Faye Drodge All who served
The Haunted Walk  All who served
Dallas Marsh All who served and those still serving
Edith Lambert, Carrie Lambert, Laura Pevie All who served and those still serving
Dallas Smith All who served
Fred and Minnie Drover All who served
Mary Garrett All who served
Dorothy Vey All who served
Daisy Whalen All who served
Clayton Smith All who served
Myrna Vey All who served
Conrad Smtih All who served
Ted and Lillian Drover All who served
Raymond and Mandy Spurrell All who served
Lorne Rowsell All who served
Doris Spurrell All who served
Judy Martin All who served
Stephanie Peach Sparkes All who served
Kevin Vey All who served
Arch Curtis All who served
Winston Dodge All who served
Gloria Seward All who served
Dorothy and Cam Martin All who served
Greta and Ronald Thomas All who served
Cecil and Muriel Stringer All who served
Kenneth Churchill All who served
David Balsom All who served
Crystal Martin All who served
Allan Spurrall and Lillian G. Peddle All who served
George Smith Joseph and Martha Smith and family
Royal Canadian Legion, Clarenville All who served
Fred Smith Benjamin Smith
William and Frances Smith Nathaniel Smith
Ken and Doreen Avery All who served
Maisie Ploughman Benjamin Smith and his brothers