On this Memorial Day, we are thankful for all donations that have been received since the War Memorial project began. The funds will allow the Southwest Historical Society to construct a War Memorial debt-free. This site will provide a place for reflection and remembrance of all who served. Progress has continued on the development of […]
Construction of Retaining Wall
We are proud to announce that Phase 2-Construction of Retaining Wall is now completed, thanks to the PreCon Manufacturing Inc. of Ivany’s Cove. We are now beginning Phase 3-Installation of Re-enforced Concrete Pad to be completed by Family Memorial. This pad will form the base for the war monument and three flagpoles. […]
Southwest Arm Memorial Fund – May Update
Thanks to all who have contributed during the month of May. We encourage all who are still planning on contributing to the War Memorial to please make your donation today. We want to place this monument debt-free on the site next to the Southwest Arm Lions Club. It will be a place of reflection […]
Southwest Arm Memorial Fund – April Update
Thank you to all who have contributed to our Southwest Arm War Memorial Fund during the month of April. We are getting close to achieving our goal to erect the war monument that will honour all who have served from the Southwest Arm area.We are proud to announce that the names of women from the […]
Southwest Arm War Memorial Fund
The Southwest Arm Historical Society continue to receive contributions to the War Memorial. The Society has met with Family Memorials of St. John’s and are now receiving more detailed plans for the war memorial. Our goal is to ensure that all WWI and WWII veteran names from Southwest Arm will be engraved on the […]
Raising Funds for War Memorial
The Southwest Arm Historical Society (SWAHS) has been working for some time to procure a piece of land where a cenotaph/war memorial can be erected. Since there were no offers, it was decided to explore the area where the Loyal Orange Lodge had previously been in Hodge’s Cove. This land was owned by Sidney Smith, […]
Profile of Nicholas Avery
Admiralty Museum Blog The Admiralty Museum is currently writing a monthly blog series on an in-depth profile on the men stationed at HM Wireless Station in Mount Pearl during WW1. This month’s blog is on Nicholas Avery, Newfoundland Royal Naval Reserve. Here is the link: https://admiraltymuseumblog.blogspot.com/2020/11/stories-from-station-nicholas-avery.html
Where Once They ….
The second book in the series Where Once They… is now in the hands of DRC Publishing and will be available in early November, 2020. The book entitled Where Once They Served-Stories of our boys who served at home and abroad contains intriguing stories of 30 of our boys from the Southwest Arm area […]
Remembrance Day 2019
On Remembrance Day, Monday, November 11, there will be a service at the United Church in Hodge’s Cove beginning at 10:15 a.m. We will proceed to the War Memorial by 11:00 a.m. for the laying of wreaths and ceremony there. Following the ceremonies there will be a potluck lunch at the Lions Club. If you […]
Where Once They Sailed
Copies of the newly published book, “Where Once They Sailed,” will be available for sale on Monday, November 11th at the Annual General Meeting of the Southwest Arm Historical Society – cost of $19.95. If you cannot attend our meeting but would like a copy of this book, please contact Lester Green at lestergreen59@hotmail.com or […]