Church News from Little Heart’s Ease

Reprinted from The Evening Telegram, May 8, 1933

April 23rd was a red-letter day in the history of our Mission. People had been waiting long ere (sic) this for the arrival of Rev. J.W. Winsor, President of the U.C. Conference; and especially the new converts who were awaiting the new height of grace yet to be attained at the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. The morning service in Little Heart’s Ease is long to be remembered. People were gathering from an early hour and almost filled the church to capacity, and as the Rev. Mr. Winsor was to preach expectations were great. Mr. Winsor took his text from Rev. 3; II and preached a very appropriate sermon for the occasion. At the end of the sermon a Reception-service was held in which forty-three new members were added to the roll. After the singing of another hymn the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was administered in which more than sixty communicants took part. The service throughout was a help to those who are aiming at the good life and many were saying at its close: It is good for us to be here for this place has been the very gate of heaven.

At 2:30 in the afternoon clouds began to hover, concealing the azure blue, and what gave full prospects for a good day now became cloudy and drops of rain began to fall. Along the roads leading to the church in Hodge’s Cove many could be seen wending their way and despite the fact that the weather was bad hundreds had already gathered in the church which was to be dedicated.

Rev. Mr. Winsor preaced (sic) a serman (sic) full of seed which gave room for thought. Basing his remarks on Hebrews 8:5, he ably showed that the moulding of character according to the pattern shown in the Mount is one of the greatest problems which confronts civilization to-day. So splendid a task and so full of momentous importance is this task which the church tries to complete to-day. If the church fails, then all is lost. One cannot help but live a better life as a result of hearing the sermon because the arguments in favor of such an act were altogether too great to arouse no response. At the close the Holy Communion was not held, as was intended, as the Rev. Oliver Jackson, Supt. of Missions, who is to arrive in short, will hold this service as well as other reception services in which it is expected more than one hundred new converts will take part.



Transcribed by Maria Drover, June 2023

These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material