Church of England Episcopal Work, 1907

Reprinted from The Evening Herald, November 7, 1907


Church of England Episcopal Work, 1907

Churches and Cemeteries Consecrated

Six new churches were consecrated at the following places: Seal Cove, White Bay, Middle Brook, Smith’s Sound, Red Cliffe Island, King’s Cove and at Hodge’s Cove, Long Beach and Northern Bight in Random Mission. Seven cemeteries were also consecrated at Western Cove, White Bay, Pound Cove, Pinchard’s Island, Squid Tickle, Salvage, Muddy Cove, Brooklyn, Port Blandford, Little Hr., Trinity and Burgoyne’s Cove, Smith’s Sound.




Transcribed by Katie Alyward, December 2019

These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.