Daniel Shaw – Mary Hynes (Newfoundland Weekly, November 1, 1930)
Shaw-Hynes – A very pretty wedding took place at the Scared Heart Church East Boston, on October 26, when Miss Mary Hynes was led to the altar by Daniel Shaw. The bridesmaid was Miss Catherine Lane, and the best man Vincent O’Reilly. A reception was held at the home of the groom, 140 Trenton Street, where many valuable presents were on display, after which a wedding supper was partaken of at the Parker House. The Weekly joins in congratulations to the young couple.
Marriages – Shaw-Hynes – At the Scared Heart Church East Boston, on October 26, by the Rev. Father C. Garrahan, Daniel Shaw to Mary Hynes, both of East Boston.
Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, March 2021. Updated April 2021
These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.