Daily Globe

January 24, 1925


On New Year’s Day the members of the S. U. F. Lodge held their annual parade. About 10 o’clock in the morning they started and paraded from the hall to Butter Cove, and from that to Southport, where the Rev. Mr. Holmes preached the sermon. We then came back to the Hall, where the ladies had a dinner prepared for us. There were fifty-seven fishermen present, besides the many friends who came. It was a very frosty day, but we had quite a crowd. We all enjoyed ourselves, and were much pleased with the money we made. We sold cakes and other small items which amounted to fifty two dollars. The amount we made altogether was $108.50. That was a large collection for such a cold day and night as it was. We were very thankful with the amount collected, ad thank the many kind friends who helped.

The dance began about eight o’clock and was kept up until twelve. I think that all were there enjoyed themselves. Each member did all possible to make the night as enjoyable as they could. We also thank the outharbour members who helped us too; they did all they could to make up a dollar for their Hall. We are in hopes of having a better time in the future, please God.

So now, Mr. Editor, for fear I have taken up too much space I will bring my remarks to a close by thanking all the members and kind friends who helped us, and also you for space to publish this report.

  • An S.U.F. Member, January 13, 1925.


March 13, 1925

It is with deepest regret we record the death of our dear father which occurred at his home at Hodge’s Cove on Feb 27 at the age of 84 years. He was of a kind and gentle disposition and during his lifetime made many staunch friends, by whom he was beloved unto death, and to whom his help was ever ready to be extended when required. Stephen Smith was born at Bishop’s Cove. C.B.. in 1840, and took up his residence at Random fifty-four years ago. For some months past he had been ailing, but as his time approached he was resigned to the parting. His passing was peaceful and there can be little doubt but that he is now enjoying the rest which his God has promised those who labour in his name. He was laid to rest in the Church of England cemetery at Hodge’s Cove, there to wait the Resurrection of the just. Left to mourn are two sons, William and Isaac, three daughters, Rosamund, Rhoda, and Annie, 38 grand children and 8 great grand children, besides a large circle of friends. He will be sadly missed by all.

He has passed through path, and suffering
Till he sank in death to rest
Left this earth to be with Jesus
In the mansions of the Blest
Bright Is his glory now
Boundless his joy above
Where on the bosom of hls God
He rests in perfect love.
Asleep in Jesus Blessed sleep
From which none e’er wakes to weep
A calm and undisturbed repose
Unbroken by the last of foes
—Inserted by his Daughter, Queen’s Cove.


March 2, 1926

Has Factory for Smoking

At, Little Heart’s East, Gooseberry cove, Trinity Bay, a man named Wm. Flynn has erected a small factory where he will put up smoked turbot, salmon and herring. Mr. Flynn is a practical fishermen and knows how to handle the products that he proposes to exploit. Trinity Bay deep water is the home of the turbot, which has no equal as an edible fish. They command the highest prices of any smoked fish and the market for them is unlimited in England and the United States. Mr. Flynn seems to be doing something that will give fresh impetus to this industry in Trinity Bay and which never been prosecuted there to its full extent.



Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, February 2021; Latest update November 2022
These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.