The Ruby Crew

Reprinted from Downhome Magazine, December 2018

These were some of the crew of the schooner Ruby L.M. Smith around 1947. Owned by Captain Silas Tucker of St. Jones Within, Trinity Bay, the Ruby boasted an 85 hp Acadia engine and sails. During this trip from the Jigger
Island/Cape Harrison area of northern Labrador, the submitter writes she was “weighed down with 1,275 quintals of salt bulk fish below deck, all fishing gear, two motor boats and a punt hoisted in on deck.” Pictured here (l-r) are:
unidentified, Tom Jacobs (standing back near the rigging), Harold Tucker, Melvie Bishop (cook) and Edgar Holloway — while George Tucker was the daring soul who ventured onto the jib-boom with a small Brownie camera to take this picture. Other members of the Ruby’s crew were Hayward Jacobs, Ches Smith, Sam Holloway, Ches Brown and Hayward Tucker.

Aubrey Tucker, Mississauga, ON


Transcribed by Emily Seward, January 2022.

These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material