January 12, 1917
St. Jones Within Local Council
(To the Editor)
St. Jones Within,
Jan. 4th, 1917
The annual meeting of the St. Jones Within Local Council, which we held recently, came off with great applause and enthusiasm. Our past Chairman, Eleazer Robbins, who came from the Convention, gave us a very good lecture, and spoke to the point and briefly expounded the Constitution and Planks of the Union Platform, which was very interesting and encouraging for every man to stand shoulder to shoulder is our motto and ambition. And if the men of the South are as strong as the men of the North, there will be nothing to prevent us from having a Union Government in 1917. May God hasten the day when every man shall have a square deal, and a Union Government to show us fair play.
The elections of officers for the following year is as follows:
Robert Miller – Chairman, elected
Boyd King – Dept. Chairman, elected
George Miller – Secretary, elected
Elial Blundon – Treasurer, re-elected
William J. Tucker – Door Guard, re-elected
Yours truly,
George Miller,
January 17, 1917, Page 1
Little Heart’s Ease Local Council
(To the Editor)
Dear Sir,- At the annual meeting of Little Heart’s Ease Local Council held recently the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
Chairman – Jonah Soper; re-elected
D. Chairman – Moses Martin, elected
R. Secretary – Jonah Stringer, re-elected
Treasurer – Michael Shaw, re-elected
D. Guard – Simeon Stringer, elected
We hope that much success will follow in 1917 under the management of such an able and competent staff of officers. New members are still joining. We elected three at our last meeting held on Dec. 30th., which goes to show that the Union fire is still burning. And we intend to stick to Mr. Coaker and the Union, come what may. But to do this we must all have a strong pull and a pull altogether, and we will get there all right.
Wishing Mr. Coaker and the Union every success and every member a happy New Year. – I remain, yours etc.
Little Hearts Ease,
Jan. 30th.. 1917.
January 24, 1917
Little Heart’s Ease.
(To the Editor.)
Dear Sir,—As I haven’t seen anything of late in your paper from Little Heart’s Ease I thought I might write a few Items which may be of some Interest to our readers. First, I may say that Christmas has come again, with all its good cheer and fascinating charms. As at this time of the season everybody sees to enjoy themselves well, especially the younger folk, who enjoy the football games during day. and the dressing up at night as mummers to get all the good things they possibly can get, and of course a little step, which they enjoy the best of all. But I believe that old Santa Claus has drawn my thoughts away from what I Intended to write at first, I intended to say that Mount Joy L.O.L. held their annual meeting on Deci 23rd. The election of officers are as follows:—
W.M. — Bro. Azariah Martin, elected;
D.M.—Bro. Jonah Soper, elected;
Chaplain.—Bro. S. Martin, elected:
R.S.—Bro. J. Stringer, re-elected;
F.S.—Bro. S. Tucker, elected;
T— Bro. Guy King, elected;
I.T.—Bro. W. H. Jacobs, elected.
O.C.—Bro. M. Martin, re-elected:
1st Sec.—Bro J. Whalan, re-elected
2nd Sec—Bro. Boyd King, elected;
We trust that much success will attend Mount Joy, L.O.L under the above mentioned staff.
Then on Jan. 1st we held our annual parade. The day was beautifully fine. We started on parade at 11 a.m. We were highly privileged in having with us the Rev. George Butt, our pastor on parade, who acted as Chaplain in the absence of our Bro. Chaplain Solomon Martin, who was away to Black Head, C.B. at the time to select for himself a partner in life. The line of parade extended from the Lodge up around L. H. E. and down so far as Little Harbour and back again, to the Hall, where we dispersed for dinner. After partaking of our dinners at our various homes, we all gathered at the Hall, again at 1 o’clock, where we clothed in regalia. We formed rank again and paraded to House Cove. On our way back selections from the gramophone. Cheers were then given for the Army, the Navy, the King and also for Mrs. Martin. Forward we then proceeded to the Methodist Church where we were met by the Rev. G. Batt, who preached a very interesting and impressive sermon from the text, “Quit you like men be strong.” The organist, Miss Brace Teacher rendered good service at the organ and all the congregation joined in singing that grand old hymn “Onward Christian Soldier.” The collection was good. After the service was over we then formed ranks and wended our way to the Hall, where we closed our parade and started for the school room, where the Ladies Aid had a Tea and Sale of Works open, and you may be sure that we did justice to the good things which they had upon the table. After satisfying the inner man we started in for the Sale, and you may be sure the ladies soon disposed of all their goods. They raised the sum of $55, which was good considering the small amount of goods for sale. They wish, through the medium of your paper, to thank all the Friends from other settlements who patronized them. After all the goods had been sold the singing of the National Anthem brought the day to a close, and all the old folks retired to their homes, fully satisfied with the events of the day.
In conclusion, Mr. Editor, I wish to say that Bro. Solomon Martin whom I made mention of as being absent on New Year’s Day, had arrived home, and while away at Black Head he was united in the bonds of holy matrimony to Miss Gladys Cox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Cox of Blackhead, C.B. Miss Cox was a teacher for a while and taught in the Random Mission. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Martin many years of matrimonial bliss, and also wishing the Editor and readers of the Advocate a Happy New Year, – I am, etc.,
Little Heart’s Ease, Jan. 10, 1917
February 24, 1917
James Cram, a naval man, who has been 12 years in the R. N. R. Service went out by to-day’s train to his home, S.W. Arm, Random, T.B. Mr. Cram is home on a month’s furlough, which has been further extended for 10 days. he then returns to England to do his bit for King and country.
March 9, 1917, page 6
Some of the men have left for the ice-fields. We wish them all bon voyage.
Several of the men are busily engaged In building motor boats, and the approaching season promises to be a busy one.
We hear Miss Collins intends making a trip to her native town during Easter. We hope she will enjoy her holiday.
On Sunday afternoon Miss Collins, teacher, Miss Flynn, operator, Miss Seward and Miss Shaw accompanied by Mrs. M. J. Shaw, were enjoying a sleigh drive when going round a curve the sleigh upset, throwing all to the ground. All escaped unhurt, except Miss Seward and Miss Collins, who hurt their shoulders and arms considerably.
On Shrove Tuesday night a pancake party was held at the home of Mr. Flynn, merchant, here. Beside his own family several guests were invited among whom were Miss Collins, teacher, here and Miss Seward and Miss Parrott, teacher, at Butter Cove. After games and music were Indulged in, the young people dispersed at 11 p.m., feeling as if they had enjoyed themselves to the full. Great praise is due Mr. and Mrs. Flynn and Miss Flynn, who helped to make the evening a success. We must also congratulate Miss Collins on procuring the ring and money from her part of the pancake.
March 13, 1917, Page 6
(To the Editor)
Dear Sir,—It is with the deepest regret that we record the deaths of Ambrose and Simeon Rodgers of this place. They left their homes to go to Grand Falls and met their death on the train while going. Ambrose was working at Grand Falls during the winter and came up for a few days and started off again, taking his brother with him. Both of them were members of this Union Council. They were the only support of their mother. Their father died last spring. They leave a mother and two young brothers, aged 15 and 18 years, and one little slater, aged 12. who were looking to them for their support, and five sisters and one brother married. To the heart-broken mother and family the writer offers hls sincere sympathy.
St Jones Within.
[We regret that this letter has been delayed in publication. We know the sympathy of all our readers goes out to this bereaved family in the terrible loss they suffered in the train horror.- Ed]
June 7, 1917
(To the Editor)
Dear Sir, – The residents of Hatchet Cove wish to protest against the fact that in the recruiting figures which are given their little place does not get credit for the five brave boys they sent to help King George’s men. We think that if every postmaster in each place were asked to furnish a true account of all the enlistments, that more accurate statistics would be given. It is too bad that even if we are only a small place, that we should not get credit for doing what we could in this great crisis.
Yours truly,
Hatchet Cove, T.B., June 1st, 1917
November 11, 1917, page 9
On Nov. 7th a very pretty wedding was solemnized at St Thomas’s Church, when Rev. Moulton united in holy wedlock Mr. Loyal Baker, of the R. N. R., and Miss Eliza Churchill. The bride looked neat In white muslin and pale pink hat; and the bridesmaid was dressed In white, with hat to match. The bride was given away by her uncle, Mr. Edward Bailey. The groom was supported by a returned soldier. Mr. E. Benson. After the ceremony the party drove to the residence of the bride’s uncle, Colonial Street, where supper was served, Amongst the guests was the groom’s mother, which arrived in St John’s to attend the wedding. Both bride and groom are from North West Brook, Random South. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Baker many happy years of wedded life.
Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, February 2021; Updated October 2022
These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.