The Evening Advocate, 1918

January 17, 1918, page 7

… Before I close Mr. Editor I would like to extend my pen a little further if you will allow me space to make mention of a very pretty wedding when took place on Dec. 23 [1917] at the Methodist Church when Miss Alice Martin daughter of Mr. Samuel Martin was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. David Jacobs both of this place. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. D.G. Freake in the presence of a large gathering of friends. The bride was very prettily attired in a dress of white embroidery and bridal veil. The bride was attended by her sister Mrs. D.A. Smith and Mr. Azariah Martin brother of the bride acted as best man. After the ceremony the party wended their way to the home of the groom where a sumptuous tea was served to quite a number of guests. The writer joins with a host of friends in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs many years of matrimonial life and wishing Mr. Coates and the readers of the Advocate a Happy New Year.

I remain
Little Heart’s Ease,
January 8th, 1918


January 23, 1918

Splendid Concert at Little Heart’s Ease

(To the Editor)

Dear Sir:- Please allow me space in your highly esteemed paper to make a few remarks concerning a concert which was held here in the Orange Hall on the night of the 15th. Inst, under the management of our teacher, Miss Miriam Taylor.

The chair was taken by Mr. J. Stringer. The concert was opened at _ p.m. The programme consisted of choruses, recitations, dialogues, quartettes, solos and exercises, and was a lengthy one, having thirty-eight parts, with gramophone selections between. The most Interesting feature of the programme was a Crown drill exercise by eight little girls. It was something grand to see those wee tots acting their parts so nobly. Then there was that sol sung by Mrs. G. Martin, which was inspiring. Also the song on The Loss of the S. S. Lusitania, sung by Allan Whalen was splendid. But we must not forget Miss Mercer, who acted her part in the dialogues so well. As the old saying goes: “She could do It and shine.” Neither shall we forget to mention that splendid recitation, “Somebody’s Darling,” recited by our esteemed teamer, Miss Taylor. There were also many other splendid recitations, which will take too much space to mention. Sufficient to say that all did their part well, and the whole programme went through without a blunder, to the credit of Miss Taylor, who spent so much time in training the children for the event.

The concert was largely attended not only by people of this settlement, but by many people of other settlements. The collection was good, which will go toward the new schoolroom. The concert was brought to a close at 10.30 p.m. by the Chairman in a few well chosen remarks on the event, after which the National Anthem was sung by the audience.

After the concert closed a Syrup Sociable was served by Mrs. Wm. Martin. After all had partaken of the  refreshment the hall was closed and everybody went home fully satisfied with the event.

Before closing my remarks I wish to thank Mrs. J. Martin for the aid of her gramophone. And we must wish Miss M. Taylor and her pupils the compliments of the season and a happy New Year.

Thanking you for space, Mr. Editor, and also wishing you a happy New Year.

Yours truly,
One Who Was Present.
Little Heart’s Ease,
January 16th, 1918.


January 23, 1918

Wedding Bells
(To the Editor)

Dear Sir:- Please allow me space in your highly esteemed and much read paper to tell you of a wedding which took place here Dec. 25th, [1917], when Mr. Jordan Stoyles, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Stoyles, was united in the bonds of matrimony to Miss Ida J. Vey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Vey, both of Hillview, Trinity Bay. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. D.E. Freake.

The bride was attired in light steel silk with bridal veil and orange blossoms, and looked very charming. The bridesmaid was also dressed in silk to match. The bridesmaids were Miss A. B. Vey and Miss M. Avery. The bridesboys were Mr. J. T. Stoyles and Mr. S. Green. After the ceremony was performed the party went to the home of the groom, where a reception was held.

The popularity of the bride was shown by her friends by giving her many useful presents on the occasion of marriage. Then after spending a few days with the parents of the groom, they removed to their future home, where they will enjoy married life. Wishing them every success in life.



February 4, 1918

Notes From Southport

It is very seldom we see anything in your paper concerning this place. We are still progressing onward.
On Dec. 31st the Ladies’ Aid held their annual sale in the Methodist Schoolroom and a very enjoyable time was spent with those who were present but owing to the disagreeable weather the people from outports were not able to attend. But otherwise we are thankful to say that the sum of $40 was raised which will be forwarded for church work.
On January the 1st a dance and tea was held in the S. U. F. Hall and was given in honor of two of our R. N. R. — Timothy Smith and Leander Green — who were home on furlough to spend on Christmas, after being engaged, on active service for the last three years to keep the old flag flying. Although some of the young people were absent at that time a very enjoyable time was spent and was kept up until the early hours of the morning.
Miss Ethel Snow, our teacher, is to give a concert and by the help of our young ladies and gentlemen we hope it will prove a success.
I must say that some of the people here are very busy this year in building motor boats, and more are engaged in building houses, and more are engaged in making herring barrels owing to the price of herring being so high. We hope that the [illegible] will prove a success to everybody. I must say that there have been quite a few weddings this fall but not so many as was expected.
Before I close I wish to say a few words concerning our brave soldiers and sailors, who have already gone forth to fight for their King and Country in honor of our dear old flag — the Red, White and Blue. Although but a very small settlement there are ten young men, and seven have offered. We hope and trust that they shall some day return to us victorious and that this war will soon close and that peace and unity shall be proclaimed throughout this world. I must say it is time for some of the young fellows from other places to open their eyes and go and join the colours. Why should they hang back and allow others to fight for them? It is time for them to wake up. But Aunt Polly and Aunt Bettie are getting very feeble and sorry to say they can’t offer as Red Cross nurses. They have to stay at home and keep the home fires burning.
Wishing Mr. Coaker and the Union every success in the future.

Yours Truly,
Southport, January 13, 1918.


February 19, 1918

Hillview, Trinity Bay
Feb. 12th, 1918
There passed peacefully away on Jan. 3rd, Mr. John Churchill, who had reached the age of 60 years, leaving a wife, three daughters, two sons, seven grandchildren, three brothers and one sister to mourn him. He was a lay reader in St. Michael’s Church for over twenty years, and did all that one could do to please the congregation. He was loved by all who knew him. He also occupied that position in Bunyan’s Cove, B.B., for three years. Many of his friends will greatly miss him. He was not afraid to die. His last words were: “I am going home to Jesus.” No doubt death was welcome to him. We have a blessed hope that we will see him again. His funeral took place on Feb. 10th, conducted by the Rev. W. A. Butler, whose sermon was from St. John’s Gospel 14 chap., 1 verse: “In my father’s house are many mansions, if it were not so I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you.” The hymn at the graveside was “On the Resurrection morning.” His funeral was attended by a large gathering of relatives and friends to pay their last respects. May God … the mourners in the longely …
We loved you yes, no tongue can tell,
How deep, how dearly, and how well;
Christ loved you too and thought it best,
To take you home with him to rest.


February 25, 1918

Halifax Disaster Fund
Long Beach,
Trinity Bay,
February 11, 1918
Collected by Edgar Avery and Cyril Gosse

Edwin Avery……………………………..$ .50
Eleazer Avery…………………………… .50
George Vey……………………………… .50
John Barfitt……………………………… .50
Mrs. George Barfitt, Sr………….… .50
Mrs. John Barfitt……………………… .25
Llewelyn Barfitt………………………. .50
Mrs. Llewelyn Barfitt………………. .40
Stephen Barfitt……………………….. .50
Lydia Barfitt…………………………….. .50
Herbert J. Vey………………………….. .25
Simeon Vey……………………………… .25
James Vey……………………………….. .50
Wilson Vey………………………………. .50
Cyril Gosse………………………………. .50

This amount has been handed over to the Treasurer by J. G. Stone, Esq., Minister of Marine and Fisheries.


April 3, 1918, Page 6

For Sale – House Wharf and Stores; in good condition and ready for fishing, selling at Fourteen Hundred Dollars ($1400.00) Also Two Flakes and a Schooner 24 tons for $210.00. For further particulars apply to Thomas Smith, South Port, Random, T.B.




April 4, 1918

An Answer to Gooseberry’s Roll of Honor

Dear Evelyn, – We read your few lines concerning slackers of this place. Since you are so much against slackers; why are you one? Britain is calling today for Red Cross Nurses.

I am, yours truly,

Gooseberry Cove, Mar.11, 16


April 23, 1918, Page 5

Lady Harris Writes Letter of Sympathy
(To the Editor)
Hodge’s Cove
April 16th, 1918

Dear Sir:- Will you kindly publish this letter in the columns of our much read paper. It was sent me by Lady Harris, our present Governor’s wife, and it shows that our dear boys are being prayed for by gentle and simple. Many thanks I owe to the kind and gentle lady for her good wishes sent me, which I appreciate so very much. May all our earthly prayers be answered by our heavenly Father. His will be done.

Mrs. Alexander Peddle


147 Victoria Street,
Westminster, S.W.I.
March 14th, 1917

Dear Mrs. Peddle:- My husband, Sir Alexander Harris, was telling me in a letter that you are feeling the strain of parting with your husband, and I can indeed well imagine how trying it must be for you. It seems like parting with all you hold dear, and the distance and uncertainty of it all makes the trial greater. But what I think does help one a bit is that we (I am including all of us who are sending our dear ones to fight) should not feel happier if we kept them at home when our country is in danger, and all men worthy of the name are going forth for her succor. The call comes to us individually that ours too must go, and we help them go, and thank God for the strength given us to do right. The women of England, Newfoundland and all her Allies are watching, waiting, suffering and praying that our men may be restored back to us, and which every way it goes, we can hold our heads up and claim to have given of our best. I trust that your husband will be spared to come back to you safely and I will pray that it may be so. I am,

Yours very truly,
Constance Harris
To Mrs. Alexander Peddle
Hodge’s Cove, Random, T.B.


April 25, 1918, Page 4

Children’s Concert at Hodge’s Cove

(To the Editor)

Dear Sir:- A children’s concert took place here on April 12th. I must say we had a great deal of disagreeable weather at that time and other obstacles; but in spite of all we raised the sum of $20. (the most that ever was raised here.) I am informed that this sum of money will go towards something serviceable for the C. of E. school and children of Hodge’s Cove. Miss Willis, our teacher, trained the children in an excellent manner. I feel sure it must have cost her some pain and trouble to do so.

Many patriotic recitations were recited; and a duet was played and sung by Miss Willis and one of her pupils Miss Delilah Peddle. The programme lasted for about two hours. The only fault was that the final recitation, “An Enlisting Call,” was rather short. Before I conclude I must not forget to mention that after the concert was over, there was a very nice tea provided for us in the school-room.

I think there is great praise due to the tenders, wiz: Miss Alice Peddle, Mrs. Abram Smith, Mrs. Ethel Peddle and Mrs. Rosamond Peddle. After tea was over Mrs. Drover kindly lent her gramophone. I hear Miss Willis is not coming back with us another year, Well, I consider this a distinct loss for I imagine she has put this school on its stumps and besides is a church worker.

I remain, sir,

Herring Catcher.

P.S.- Other papers please copy, Hodge’s Cove, Random, T.B.


May 2, 1918

Glad He Joined the Royal Naval Reserve

R.N. Barracks,
Devonport, Eng.,
Jan. 11, 1918

My Dear Mother.—

Just a few lines to let you know that I am well, hoping to find you the same. Thank God for it. I spent Christmas in Devonport barracks. I didn’t think that I would ever spend a Christmas here. But you can never tell where one has to go. I can tell you I am not sorry to be here, as it shows that I am a man and not a slacker. I see some of the world anyway, and its a lot better than Random. I am going in the Gunner School now. I don’t know what they are going to make of me there, but I suppose I will get through somehow. Don’t think anything about me. I am alright, and have lots of chums here, and someone to show me around. Elial is here, he is well. Tel father not to work too hard and take care of himself. I hope by next year I will be home again. All the Random fellows here are well. There are a lot here. Remember me to all the friends. Write me often. Good bye. from


(The writer of the above is W. G. Bishop, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bishop, Hatchet Cove, Random.)


May 20, 1918, page 5

Miss Violet F. Balsam of Southport, who sent a pair of socks to Miss Armorel Harris as a contribution for the Queen Mary Silver Wedding Anniversary, received a suitable note of thanks from that lady.


May 20, 1918, Page 5

Brave Boys of Island Cove

(To the Editor)

Dear Sir:- Kindly allow me space in your most valued paper concerning the brave boys of this place. It is only a small place, and there are seven young me gone from it. God has guided them through so far, and now we have one of our brave heroes home now for a month’s furlough. George Smith, Saunders [Leander] Smith, Stewart Smith, William Smith, Robert Smith, Isaac Smith, Edgar Smith are the seven brave and lucky young men.


Island Cove, Random, T.B.

April 3, 1918


May 20, 1918

Miss White and Miss Black of Southport, report a concert that was given there on the 18th of March by the teacher, Miss E.M. Snow. There was a good attendance and it was very enjoyable. The sum of 9.50 was raised which will go towards the Cot Fund. They thank their friends who came from Little Heart’s Ease and other Outports to patronize their concert. Much praise is due the performers and also the Teacher for their good work on the programme. Rev. D.E. Freake acted as Chairman.




May 22, 1918, Page 4

Aunt Polly and Aunt Susie of Gooseberry Cove describe an adventure which they had when returning from berry picking, when both were nearly swamped when crossing a marsh, and were rescued at considerable risk and hard work by a man who came along.


May 23, 1918, Page 5

F.O.T. of Southport, says that they held a very successful concert there some time ago in the Methodist School room, which was prepared by the teacher, Miss Ethel Snow. All the young ladies and gentlemen of the place took part. This concert has already been referred to in our columns. Enlistments from this place are given, the names being: Levi and Timothy Smith, sons of Mr. And Mrs. Isaac Smith; John and Joseph, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith; Josiah Avery, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Avery; also John Lambert on the roll of honour, and Edgar Avery and Thomas Avery in the forestry.  There are not many slackers there, and F.O.T. would like to go herself as a Red Cross Nurse.



May 30, 1918, Page 5

V.N.G. of Long Beach, Random, T.B., one of the F.P.U. female friends, writes that the boys of Long Beach are still pushing ahead with the Union. She has her father and a brother in the Union, and takes The Advocate. The women there are now busy shearing their sheep. There are nine men from the place gone to the front, one of whom, Eldred Gosse, lost his life on the S.S. Laurentic, while coming across on furlough.


June 8, 1918

Thomas Lambert
Son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lambert of Southport, Random.
To his Mother.

“Just a few lines to let you know that I am well. Hope this letter will find all the family as well. I don’t see much chance of this ending yet. We still have something yet to face, and my idea is that the end is a long way off. But I hope not. You know I like the idea of coming home. I was thinking of coming this summer, and I shall, if I see anyway of staying home. How is everything and everyone. I tell you, mother, everything is pretty stiff over here. I don’t see what is going to be the end of it. There are lots starving in Germany. But I don’t know, I’m sure. Everything is looking very hard around here now.

How are the boys getting on, I suppose they will soon be getting their trap ready to put out. I tell you, mother, I would love a good meal of fresh fish now. How is Jean? Hope she is well. Tell her I wrote her after I came out of hospital. I just slipped on some ice gangway, and put my ankle out. I was eight weeks laid up with it, but its better now. I hope you are all keeping well; keep smiling all the time. Please write me often, for it does me good to hear from you all. Will close by wishing you good-bye and good luck.


June 8, 1918

From Elijah Price, R.N.R.

To his wife, at Loreburn.

“I spent a very fine Christmas Day, had a good dinner, and took a drive for about thirty miles, so you see the people are good to me wherever I go. I was very lucky that day, because I was the only one that went from our ship. Please remember me to all my friends and relatives and tell them not to forget to write me.”



August 5, 1918

First Smoke He Had for Two Years
Portsmouth, Eng., May 22nd.

Dear Sister:- Just a few lines with the greatest thanks for your parcel, which I received today. I hope you are still keeping well, as I must say it leaves me at present (T.G.). I must thank you for your kindness to me. It was the first smoke I got for over 2 years, and you can just imagine how I enjoyed it. Its 8 months now since I saw you, but there have been times I would not give five cents for my life but thank God. I’m still in hopes of meeting you again. I go to the Post office every day and I often get disappointed in not hearing from you, but my heart was overjoyed today when I got your parcel. Remember me to my dear Mother, you know I often times lay awake and fancy her dear old face. I may meet her on earth again, but I have a feeling if I don’t meet her on earth, I shall meet her in heaven. I’m sending a photo of myself and my pal. He belongs to Scotland, the place where poor John is lying. I must say he is a pretty decent chap.

Will close now. Goodbye your loving brother,


(To M.J. Lambert, Southport, Random.)


August 5, 1918, Page 6

Lost – Drifted to sea a Codtrap, 58 fathoms on the round, 9 ½ deep near bottom and near new leader with 5 buoys. Finder will please report the same to Isaac Smith, South Port, Random, T.B.


August 18, 1923


After suffering from that dreadful disease, Eczema, for seven years, and I have been so bad that I asked a man to shoot me on night, I tried doctors far and near, but all proved worthless, I thank God the day I saw your advertisement in the paper, as I am perfectly cured by your wonderful Ointment.

W.H. Seaward,
Gooseberry Cove,
Random, T.B., Nfld.

To B.A. Viscount,
10 Murphy’s Square,


September 28, 1918, Page-8

The schr. J.S.G. of Random, T.B., which landed a cargo of fish at Barr’s premises, is now at Steer’s wharf taking supplies.


October 19, 1918, Page 6

John Squires of Random, T.B., suffering from a crushed foot, entered the hospital yesterday.



December 20, 1918, page 5

Believes Coaker Doing His Best

(To the Editor)
Dear Sir:- Will you please publish in your paper. The men are very busy now catching herring. Some have done very well with the herring and it is a great price now. I must not forget that Mr. john Vardy is doing a great work for this place. He has supplied the men with salt and other provisions. He also bought their fish and gave them a big price for it.

Well, Mr. Editor the men want a good price for their fish and herring because everything is wonderful dear, and, sir, a few years ago boots were $2.00 or $2.50 per pair and now you can’t get a good pair of boots less than five and six dollars, and a barrel of flour for six and seven dollars and now it is $20.00 per barrel with the trimmings.

I must say that we are very glad that the war is over, because the husbands will be able to go home to their wives and children, and the sons go home to their mothers. There are quite a lot gone from here, all the young men that are old enough are gone.


Miss V. F. Balsom arrived here Wednesday from Hickman’s Hr. She was in there on a little visit to some of her friends. Also Mrs. Vey arrived here yesterday from St. John’s.


I must not forget Mr. W. F. Coaker, I think he is doing all the good he can for poor fisherman. I think he is trying to make flour and things a little cheaper and fish and cod-oil a little higher.


So now, Mr. Editor, I think I have said most of all for this time, so withing you and Mr. Coaker every success. – I remain, yours, etc.,

A Union Man’s Daughter
Southport, Random,
December 7th, 1918


December 30, 1918, page 2

A SOLDIER’S Cousin Writes

Gooseberry Cove. Random, December 16th. 1918

(To the Editor)

Dear Sir.—Please grant me space In your paper. The Advocate, to say a words concerning this place There are a number of men, married and single, gone from here who have fought for their King and Country, but now as the world war is over we wish them all a safe return. I know that every mother whose son is spared to come home will be proud to have her son come back again, victorious; and every wife will be proud to have her husband come home again in peace. I should think that those whose husbands, sons, or brothers are on the Roll of Honour will find It hard to see other boys coming home. But we must put our trust in Him whose mighty hand brought this war to close to bring the lads safe. There is one young man gone from here, Patrick Seward, who hasn’t been home since the war started. I shouldn’t think that there is much too bad to be done with Kaiser Bill now. When he started the war so cowardly thought that in a few days he would have some nations under him, but he was quite mistaken. He played for high stakes and lost, and now he has to humble himself to England and other Allied nations.

There is only one from here on the Roll of Honour, Luke Smith, son of Mrs. Martha Smith. She also has four sons in the navy.

Another man from here, Robert Balsom, who was trading from Hull to Dover on the transport S. S. Majorie. He was coming home on leave the very day he arrived In Hull, and was going to leave the ship the day that the peace armistice was settled.

We must not forget to speak of Butter Core and Southport. They, too have done their share for the King and Empire. There Is one young man from Butter Cove who has paid the Supreme Price. Richard Spurrell. son of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Spurrell. Also one from Southport. John Lambert son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lambert. He has another brother in the navy now.

Wishing the readers a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year, I remain,



Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, Lisa Garrett, and Emily Seward. Page created on September 2019. Latest updated October 2022.

These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.