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January 28, 1919, page 2
Heart’s Ease Notes
(To the Editor)
Dear Sir, – On Jany 6th death visited Butter Cove taking away Amelia Strowbridge. wife of Israel Strowbridge. She leaves a husband, two children, one brother, and on sister to mourn their loss. She was laid to rest in the C. of E. Cemetery.
I must also say that we have some of the boys home who have been on active service in the hard struggle to save the British colors.
We are looking forward for the rest to come home soon. There’s many a poor brave boy who will never see home or friends again, but they have died for a good cause for the glory of the Empire. They have given their lives that their friends may know that England still remains mistress of the sea, and that Britannia rules the waves. Those that we have home are as follows: John Smith, Joseph E. Smith, Isaac Smith, George Critch, William Dodge, Abram Spurrell, also Josiah Avery of Southport. Before I close I must also speak of Hodge’s Cove, which has given nineteen of her brave boys to help the Allies fight for the Right, and out of nineteen there’s only one numbered with dead, Alex Peddle, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Peddle. He went down on the S.S. ‘Dirk’ in May, 1918.
So many lads grieve o’er his loss
And for this poor lad weep.
Who on the verge of manhood years
Went down into the deep.
But may he see a fairer land,
Most fervently we pray,
Of that brave soul who lost his life
Upon that fatal day.
Thanking you for space, I remain.
Heart’s Ease,
January 19th, 1919.
January 28, 1919
Southport Notes
(To the Editor)
Dear Sir.—Will you kindly grant me space for a few notes from Southport as it is not very often that I see anything in your paper from this part of Random.
On Jan. 8th the Ladies’ Aid held their tea and sale of work which! brought in $75.00. The proceeds will go towards shingling the Methodist Church and other church work. I might say it was a poor Xmas for Southport as the grip was very prevalent. Practically every family was stricken during December, but thankful to say there were no deaths.
On Dec. 9th there passed away from Southport an old and respected business man in the person or Mr. Thomas Smith. He was hale and hearty when he went to St. John’s on business some time in December, but on his arrival home was not feeling well. A day or two later he had to take to his bed; a week later he got up but was unable to get from his couch, and on the ninth inst. as he was alone and someone went in to see him he was dead. His passing cast a gloom over Southport as he was liked and respected by all. His home was always hospitable, and he always had a kind word for all. He leaves two sons. Both have been to war. The eldest arrived home two days after his father was buried; the other is still on active service. He also leaves a brother and two sisters. He was in his 67th year. Let us hope that when the end came he was ready and trusting in his God.
Sleep on, dear father, and take your rest,
Lay down your head upon the Saviour’s breast,
We love you well, but Jesus loves you best,
Good night, good night, good night.
It has been a poor winter as yet for hauling firewood, not enough snow to get out the sledge, and so there is not much doing.
Just before Xmas we had the privilege of welcoming home two of our Navy boys, namely Joseph E. Smith and Josiah Avery. We hope to welcome many more shortly as they continue to arrive back to dear old Terra Nova.
Come along Union Man’s Daughter and give us some more notes, and give us some more information as to the price of a barrel of flour and a pair of boots. I suppose you don’t like Rolled Oats, seeing you don’t want the trimmings Neither do I like it, but I got to cook it O. K.
The Ladies’ Aid wish to thank Mr. and Mrs. Moses Spurrell for their kind donation towards the sale and sympathize with them because of their dead son. We feel that he is dwelling in that home where all is peace and everlasting joy.
May God comfort every sorrowing heart and bind the wounds of the broken hearted, because we know and feel that our darling boys did not die in vain, but that we may have Liberty and Peace.
Wishing Mr. Coaker, the Advocate and the Union every prosperity and every success, I remain,
Yours truly,
Southport, January 20th, 1919
February 24, 1919
Aunt Annie and Aunt Mary Write from Hillview
(To the Editor)
Dear Sir, – I was sittin down wid me nittin in me hand and wonderin to meself would Aunt Mary be in wen open comes de door and in she pops wid her sowing gare in her pocket.
“Well,” sez I, “Aunt Mary, come yer sit down and let’s have a good old dish of gossip, for do yer know the last ting that been a runnln through me brains, why twas about Mr. Coaker and the beautiful Advocate, and rason why there baint any sketches in this yer place.”
“Why, yes.” says Aunt Mary. “I think we had better let somebody know that we two old folks are alive and living in such a beautiful place, for there’s nor place around thosem yer barders equel to it. Bit Mr. Coaker will have to excuse our grammar, for its like was talked in the dog iron days when we was agrowin up.” Says I, “Aunt Mary, its high time someone should write to tell of all the business that’s transacted around this yer place. When there’s dat girt man, Walter Green, gettin dat girt yer craft built down in the dock, and that wonderful man William James Stoyles, the skipper builder, he must have a wonderful head on thosem yer shoulders of his. And then there’s skipper Jim Stoyles, he’s a most wonderful man. He’s abuidin two girt motor boats this winter. Yes and Aunt Annie you forgits there’s another wonderful man, Alexander Churchill, that was away to Hr. Grace In the shipyard abuidin dem girt crafts. He’s home dis winter to abildin a girt motor boat, and I don’t know how many more boats would be build fer if they could get any nails. We two old cratures sees if they sent to Mr. Coaker’s shop they would git all dey nails dey want. But it seems as tho them merchants in St. John’s baint goin to git any nails dis yer winter, fer dey don’t seem to be interested in the poor man’s welfare now like dey are when election time is drawin handy, You would see them sportin around then wid their walkin sticks apromisen every poor man such and such a ting and walkin in every young person’s house, akissin every big fat baby they can see, but they don’t trouble about old folks like we. But, Mr. Coaker, he’s the man who you can always trust in, for he’s already interested in the poor old worn out fishermen and not in kissin fat babies when election time is handy, and dats for sure. Mr. Coaker is the man dat the folks of dis yer place is interested in, for the Union is stronger than ever here, and dey men of dis yer place don’t mind after a hard day’s work walkin a mile to a Union meeting, and old as meself and Aunt Mary be if we were me we would be trotting off to the Union meetin too, and I can’t see they re?? in why our old men, Bill and Jack, don’t come home and tell us what been transacted in the meetins. But if we would ask our old men what was carried on dey would say, Ann and Mary don’t be botherin us, you knows we can’t tell yous anything when old women can’t keep secrets. Now I tink we have told you about all the business that’s being transacted here this winter, but I may say some of the men were in the country dis yer but they didn’t git any deer, but they rabbits seem to be plentiful. Mr. George Cooper went in this week and got a girt slide load of them. He’s a wonderful man for tings like that. He and his old friend, Allan Benson, used to be fox catchers one time, but now Mr. Benson is removed to Clarenville. We had another fine old man around here. He used to be one of our builders, but dis yer he’s gone to St. John’s workin in the foundry and got his old domin carried wid him.
Thanking you for space in your valuable paper and wishing Mr. Coaker and the Union every success we will close and write a longer piece the next time.
Go ahead Mr. Coaker,
Likewise your jolly crew.
Aunt Annie say you don a glorious thing
When you started the F. P. U.
Aunt Mary says things are bettter
In every age and __ ___
And the people ___ ____ ___ they was
In the old ___ ___ days.
Aunt Annie says ‘twas ___ ___
In the days of long ago.
When you had to eat the ___ flour
There was no Coaker than you know.
But since Coaker started the Union
Things are better now by far
My old man Jack can now afford
To smoke a big cigar.
And Billie often says to me,
Cheer up, Ann, me good old dear
Coakers work is still ___
Better times are drawing near.
But we’ll not feel down hearted
Throughout the coming year
But encourage Bill and Jack to stick
Fast to the Union
And Coakers name to cheer.
Aunt Mary and Aunt Annie
March 12, 1919
Edgar Smith R.N.R. A Worthy Hero
(To the Editor.)
Dear Sir, – Will you please allow me space in your highly esteemed paper for a few remarks concerning one of our brave boys, Edgar Smith, Royal Naval Reservist, who gave his life for his King and Country on the 11th of Nov. 1918, while serving on one of H.M. ships which was sunk on the said date. In 1914 when the terrible struggle started, he joined H.M. forces in August of that year, and since then he has had some trying experiences. He left St. John’s about the middle of Nov. with the second contingent, and went over to Devonport barracks, from there he was transported to the H.M.S. Prince George. She was a battleship of eighteen thousand tons. She was one of the first ships to enter the Dardanelles. While there she had undertake some heavy tasks, but he came through all without receiving a scar, after having several men killed and his ship hit a few times. We have often read of the hard times endured while fighting there and especially in the landing of troops, and it was for his good services rendered by him there, that he was mentioned in despatches. After the evacuation of the Dardanelles he proceeded to England when he again joined another ship, which fought through the Jutland battle, where he again had a very hard time, having his ship almost blown to pieces, and in a sinking condition reached port after much difficulty. He received a slight wound after which he soon recovered. He was a brave lad and not backward in fulfilling his duty. He fought manfully and is worthy of much praise. In July of 1917 he came home on furlough and after spending some months, he went across again and joined the H.M.S. Trebiskir, and was only serving on her about a couple of months, when she happened to go down carrying all with her. Before going away again he was married to Miss Parrott, of Winterton, C. of E. Teacher, and as it happened, the very day he was drowned a little son was born to him. Sorry to say he will never know the comfort of a father nor the father the joy of having a son. We wish the little lad a happy future and may our dear Father raise him up to be as much of a hero as his brave father. Edgar also had another brother in His Majesty’s navy. All we can do on this occasion is to put our trust in God and leave it all in the hands of Him who doeth all things for the best. He leaves also to mourn a mother, father, seven sisters and three brothers. May God comfort the broken hearted. Thanking you for space, I remain.
Island Cove, Random
Feb. 18th, 1919
March 26, 1919
(To the Editor)
Dear Sir, Will you please allow me space in your much read paper, the ADVOCATE, to make a few remarks about this little settlement. It is not a large population, but we are glad to say that we have ten of our brave boys who have gone forth and fought for King and Country. We also had three rejected, the names are as follows: Cyril Gosse, Harold Gosse, Edgar Avery. The names of the Naval Reservists are: Eleazer Gosse, Eldred Goose, William Avery, Elias Avery, Abram Avery, Nicholas Avery, Albert Drodge, Eli Drodge and Pte Wilson Vey. All are coming home again, except one, brother Eldred Goose, who paid the supreme sacrifice. He will be missed as long as life is our portion.
We are more than glad to say that this great struggle is come to an end at last, and we have to thank God for doing so. He is the One that we have to put out trust in. We have five of our brave lads home with us now and we hope by the time we write again they will be all home with us once more.
We must not forget to say that the Union fire is still blazing, and both men, women and children intend to sink or swim with President Coake
We remain,
Yours truly,
(Kettle and the coffee pot)
Long Beach
March 28, 1919, Page 2
(To the Editor)
Dear Sir,—Will you please give me space in your valuable paper record the passing of my dear uncle, in the person at Simeon Dean, youngest son of the late William Dean of this place. No doubt many of his friends be sorry to learn of his death which occurred on the 4th of March at the age of 41 years. For three or four years he has been the victim of that dread disease, consumption, or better known as the white plague, which takes so many of our people. He was laid to rest on the 6th inst. by the Pastor, the Rev. D. E. Freake, who took for his text: Jeremiah, 12th verse, last part of the 5th verse – “How wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan,” and preached a very impressive sermon to a large congregation. In spite of the inclement weather a large concourse of friends attended the funeral. The brethren of Mount Joy L.O.L. of which he was a member, paid their last respects to him. He suffered much but bore it patiently, knowing it was God’s will, for what He wills is best. During the few weeks he was on his bed the Lord was very precious to him. He was willing to depart and be with His, which is far better. Just ten months before, his sister, wife of Joseph Langer, was laid to rest, which makes two of the family within twelve months. He leaves a loving sister and two brothers, besides a large circle of friends and relatives.
A precious one from us is gone.
A voice we loved is still.
A place is vacant in our home
That never can be filled.
Since last writing we had the pleasure of welcoming another of our R.N.R.’s, Levi J. Avery, who arrived a few days ago, the best of health.
Bessie E. Hiscock
Southport, Random, T.B.
March 24th, 1919
April 26th, 1919
The Glorious F.P.U.
(To the Editor)
Dear Sir, — As I and Aunt Polly were sod down the work, I vid me matten and Aunt Polly vid her nitten, and our husbands were gone to meeting we ver talking about the Union and the noble workthat gert man, Mr. Coaker, has done for dey poor fisherman. So I says to Aunt Poll let’s drop a few lines to day Advocate, but says she to me we can’t rite, Jessie, ve hasn’t learnin enough to rite to dey Advocate. Well seys I, I seys, dey will excuse our spillin and bad grammer, for dey can’t speck ve two poor souls to have learnin like the big folks. Well Mr. Coaker, there is no harm to say you have been doing good work for dey poor fisherman. It wood have been hard for us only for, Mr. Coaker.
Well we must say we are glad to see our dear boys coming home again after der noble work for King and country.
The Union is still flourishing here; there have been a fine gang joining dis yer.
We must say dat this is a wounderful season for the herrin. All of dey men are busy catching herrin dis yer here in Long Beach, and our poor old mans is bussy do you know at dey herrin, for dey wood die if dey wood not get a herrin net too, like dey rest of dey big folks. So we must close wid a verse. Thanking you for space, Mr. Editor and wishing dey Union and Mr. Coaker every success.
Go ahead, Mr. Coaker.
Likewise your jolly crew,
You did a glorious thing
When you started the F.P.U.
I Remain,
Long Beach,
May 1, 1919
Lad Meets Serious Accident
While working in a saw mill at St. Jones Within, Random, yesterday, a lad named Brown, son of John Brown, met with a serious accident, losing three of his fingers. The injured boy was taken to Heart’s Content to Dr. Anderson where the nearest medical aid could be procured.
May 8, 1919, page 5
A very quiet but pretty wedding took place Tuesday, April 22nd [1919] at the home of Mr. Moses Seward Sr. when Mr. Levi Green was united in the holy bonds of Matrimony to Mrs. Isabella Smith daughter of Mr. Moses Spurrell of Butter Cove. The bride looked charming in her suit of white voile, with hat to match. The bride’s boys and bride’s girls are as follows: Mr. Alex Spurrell, as best man, brother of the bride and Miss Gertrude Sheppard. C of. E. teacher, as chief bride’s maid; Mr. James Smith, brother-in-law of the bride, and Miss Alice Smith, sister-in-law of the bride. Rev. D. E. Freke took the ceremony. After the ceremony was performed the happy couple wended their way to the home of the bride’s parents where a pleasant evening was spent by all. On Saturday the happy couple went by motor boat to their future home, St. Jones Without. We all wish them, many happy years of wedded bliss.
On Wednesday the C. E. W. A. held their annual sale of work in the school room. They raised the tidy little sum of $33.00. We must not forget to the outside people who came to help us through, although the night was very stormy, also Mrs. Vey and Mrs. David Spurrel who also helped by sending their splendid gifts to us, also the men of Butter Cove who went on the door. We express our sincere thanks to also the men who were here from Port de Grave, who helped
I think nearly all the boat building is finished here now, and all launched, except Mr. Ralph Spurrell’s.
We are sorry to say our teacher, Miss G. Sheppard, will soon be leaving after teaching at Butter Cove for two years. We all wish her much success in her next school.
All the men are beginning to get ready for the fishery and I wish them the very best of health and a prosperous voyage. They want to make a good one, as everything is so expensive, but we are in hopes Mr. Coaker will soon get ahead and make some things cheaper.
Wishing Mr. Coaker and your esteemed paper every success.
I remain, “Lick for Smadder”, Butter Cove
May 5, 1919
(To the Editor)
Dear Sir,—PIease allow space in your paper tor a few “Random” remarks concerning a question which we have had under consideration for some time, and which we are now asking the Government to take notice of and if possible to solve. It would be an easy matter to deal with, if we could more the powers that be to carry out our wishes.
The question I refer to is this: “Is it not possible to connect S. W. Arm of Random with Reid’s Northern Bight Station by telephone.” in order to give us a better service?
Now to make the issue clear and to point out the necessity of being linked up with the railway let us take a peep into past history.
When the railway was being built through the country about 28 years ago, the S. W. Arm of Random was left out of consideration altogether, and instead of bringing the line out near the waters of the Arm a way station was built about four miles in a wilderness, then the railway circled away to the westward and came out further on at Clarenvllle. This was a bad piece of business tor us, and a gross neglect on the part of the surveyors or the Government of that day.
Here we are in the S. W. Arm of Random, with about 20 settlements containing a population of 1800 people, and our only means of travelling or for receiving the necessaries of life is via Northern Bight Station, and what is worse, we have no means of finding out the movement of the trains either east or west, or whether freight ordered is landed at the station or not. It was only two years ago an agent was placed in charge of the station, so things have improved just a little. Previous to this, people have been known to have waited at the station for three or dour days for an east-bound train, and then left again not knowing whether the train was far or near. Again the writer knows the case of a man, who was expecting a package of freight and took a ten mile journey no less than three times before he received it. Numerous cases of this kind have occurred. We have been in the habit of asking for Information about the movement of trains from the agent at Clarenville through the courtesy of the Government operator at Clarenville, but in nine cases out of ten Reid’s agent there is not reliable, why not, we cannot understand. One would think that as a servant of the company first and a servant of the public second, he should be obliged to give the fullest information possible and give time as correct as possible, instead of putting us off with schedule time, which everybody knows. How often have our people been hoaxed in hurrying to catch, say, an east-bound train, which was reported by Clarenville to be on time, and after arriving at the station found her to be about 20 hours late. This is one case out of many. Truly we are at “Random” in more senses than one.
Now it is evident we want to mend matters such as these, and the easiest solution to the problem is for the Government to give us a telephone to extend from Northern Bight Station to Hillview. the nearest telegraph office, a distance of four miles. Then from our own station we should expect reliable information both as to the movement of the train, and freight shipped or received. It would save a great deal of trouble, anxiety and expense, and bring us more abreast of the times. Wake up! Random and stand up for the right to live and claim certain advantages which have been give to others but denied to us. We are not asking too much in this case. Many other places have been linked up to the railway by telephone. Why not we?
Thanking you, Mr. Editor, in anticipation for space.
Yours sincerely,
Random, May 12, 1919
May 15th, 1919
Gooseberry Cove, Random, Collects for War Memorial for Heroes
(To the Editor.)
Dear Sir: — Will you kindly permit me space in your widely circulated paper for a few remarks. On Easter Tuesday night, April 22nd, a concert, organizer by the writer, and followed by a dance was held in the S.U.F. Hall here. Quite a large gathering of people was present, the Hall being packed. The programme consisted of songs, recitations and dialogues, 30 pieces in all, which took 3 hours to perform. The object of the concert was to raise money for the erection of a monument in memory of the three young men who paid the supreme sacrifice in the recent great war, namely: — Luke Smith, R.N.R. son of Mrs. Martha Smith of Gooseberry Cove, and husband of Mrs. Bella Smith, who lost his life January 25th, 1917 on the S.S. Laurentic. Pte. Richard Spurrell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Spurrell of Butter Cove, who died of wounds received in battle on January 4th, 1917 at Rouen Hospital; and Pte. John Lambert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lambert of Southport, who died of scarlet fever at Ayr, Scotland, April 7th, 1916.
At the close of the concert a few gramaphone selections were given by Mr. William T. Seward, Jr., during which a subscription was taken up on behalf of the monument. That finished, dancing began, which was kept up till the “wee sma” hours of the morning, when all wended their way homeward having fully enjoyed themselves. The writer desires to take this opportunity of expressing her gratitude and thanks to the following: —
To Mrs. Olga B. Smith who acted as organist.
To the performers: the young people of Gooseberry Cove, Butter Cove, and Southport, who so willingly and freely gave of their time and talents to make the work a success. To Mr. William H. Seward, Sr., for the use of his organ. To Rev. W. A. Butler of Hodge’s Cove, who came here and acted as Chairman. To Mr. William T. Seward for the use of his gramophone. To the Master, officers and members of St. Alban’s S.U.F. Lodge for the free use of the Hall, both for practising and concert. Hearty thanks are also due to the kind friends of the nearby outports who so kindly patronised us on the night of April 22nd. Although the weather was far from pleasant, quite a few friends came from Hodge’s Cove, Hillview, St. Jones Without and Little Heart’s Ease.
I append below a list of names of those who so kindly subscribed towards the monument:
Mr. Samuel Lambert, Sr. ……………… $2.00
Mrs. Samuel Lambert …………………. 1.00
Mr. William H. Seward ………………… 5.00
Thomas Lambert, R.N.R. …………….. 2.00
Rev. W. A. Butler ………………………… 1.00
Leander Green, D.S.M., R.N.R. ……. 2.00
Robert Avery, R.N.R. …………………… 1.10
Rte. Bert. Frost …………………………… 1.00
Mr. Levi Green …………………………… .50
Mrs. Olga Smith …………………………. 1.00
Miss J Baker (Teacher) …………………1.00
Mrs. Samuel Green …………………….. 1.00
Mrs. Martha Smith ……………………… 2.00
Mrs. Bella Green ………………………… 1.00
Timothy Smith, R.N.R. ………………… 1.00
Harvey Peddle, R.N.R …………………. 2.00
Mr. Kenneth Smith ……………………… 1.00
Wm. J. Peddle, R.N.R. ………………… 1.00
Mr. James Smith, of Joseph ………… 1.00
Master Benjamin Smith, of Geo. …… .50
Mr. Walter Green ………………………… 1.00
Master Arthur Seward …………………. 1.05
Mr. K. P. Benson ………………………… 1.00
Mr. Samuel Green ………………………. 1.00
Mr. W. W. Frost …………………………… .65
Mr. Enoch Green ………………………… 1.00
Mr. James Smith, of Isaac …………… 1.00
Miss Louie Duffett ………………………. .50
Miss Mary Jane Lambert …………….. .50
Mr. George Shaw ……………………….. .70
Pte. Alfred Butler ………………………… 1.80
Mr John Langor ………………………….. .20
Benjamin Smith, R.N.R. of Benj. …… 1.80
Peter Conway, R.N.R. …………………. 1.20
Mr. Henry Lambert ……………………… 2.00
James Avery, R.N.R. …………………… .50
Mr. Martin Shaw …………………………. .20
Miss G. Sheppard, (Teacher Butter
Cove) ………………………………………… .50
Miss Minnie Spurrell ……………………. .10
Miss Violet Balson ………………………. .20
Isaac Smith, R.N.R. ……………………..2.50
Mr. Henry T. Pitcher ……………………. .20
Mr. Adam Green ………………………… 1.00
Mrs. Maggie Seward …………………… .20
Mr. John Seward, Sr. …………………… .30
Master Daniel Seward …………………. .10
Peter Green, R.N.R. ……………………. 1.00
Mr. William Flynn ………………………… 1.05
Mr. Moses Seward, Jr. ………………… 1.00
Miss G. Sharpe, (Teacher Hodge’s
Cove) ………………………………………… .45
Master Edgar Seward …………………. .20
Mr. William J. Balson ………………….. .40
Mr. Samuel Lambert, Jr. ……………… .50
Mr. John Seward, Jr. …………………… .30
Josiah Avery, R.N.R. …………………… .50
Olive Langor ………………………………. .20
Mr. William Seward, of Patk. ………… .70
George Critch, R.N.R. …………………. 2.40
Mr. Joseph Langor ……………………… .20
Mrs. Lydia Seward ……………………… 1.00
Mr. William T. Seward, Jr. …………….. 1.00
Mr. Edward Seward …………………….. .40
Mrs. Henry Seward ……………………… .50
Miss Harriett Dodge ……………………. .20
Master Adam G. Pitcher ………………. .10
Master Edgar Smith ……………………. .25
Benjamin Smith, R.N.R, of Joseph .. 10.00
Mrs. Moses Spurrell ……………………. 2.50
Mr. Moses Spurrell ……………………… 5.50
Mr. Alexander Spurrell …………………. 1.00
Mr. George Smith, of Joseph ……….. 1.20
Master Edgar Spurrell …………………. 1.00
Mr. Edward Spurrell ……………………..1.00
Mrs. Jessie Seward, of Moses ……… 10.00
John Smith, R.N.R., of Joseph …….. 5.00
Collection at door ………………………. 38.15
Total …………………………………………. $127.55
Hire of Accordeon ………………………. $1.00
Kero. Oil ……………………………………. .75
Total …………………………………………..$1.75
Which leaves the balance of $125.80 for the purchasing and erection of the monument.
The site selected for the erection is in the church yard by the east side of the church. The monument will be erected as soon as possible after navigation opens up; and it can be got from St. John’s. Before closing I should especially like to thank the young ladies who so kindly came forward at my request and cleaned the Hall after the entertainment, namely: Mrs. Olga Smith, Miss Alice Smith, Miss Eliza J. Hiscock, Miss Mary Dodge, and Miss Violet Balson.
Thanking you, Mr. Editor, in anticipation of publication, I remain.
Yours Truly,
Gooseberry Cove,
Random, T.B., May 7th, 1919
May 30, 1919
(To the Editor)
Dear Sir,—PIease allow space in your paper tor a few “Random” remarks concerning a question which we have had under consideration for some time, and which we are now asking the Government to take notice of and if possible to solve. It would be an easy matter to deal with, if we could more the powers that be to carry out our wishes.
The question I refer to is this: “Is it not possible to connect S. W. Arm of Random with Reid’s Northern Bight Station by telephone.” in order to give us a better service?
Now to make the issue clear and to point out the necessity of being linked up with the railway let us take a peep into past history.
When the railway was being built through the country about 28 years ago, the S. W. Arm of Random was left out of consideration altogether, and instead of bringing the line out near the waters of the Arm a way station was built about four miles in a wilderness, then the railway circled away to the westward and came out further on at Clarenvllle. This was a bad piece of business tor us, and a gross neglect on the part of the surveyors or the Government of that day.
Here we are in the S. W. Arm of Random, with about 20 settlements containing a population of 1800 people, and our only means of travelling or for receiving the necessaries of life is via Northern Bight Station, and what is worse, we have no means of finding out the movement of the trains either east or west, or whether freight ordered is landed at the station or not. It was only two years ago an agent was placed in charge of the station, so things have improved just a little. Previous to this, people have been known to have waited at the station for three or dour days for an east-bound train, and then left again not knowing whether the train was far or near. Again the writer knows the case of a man, who was expecting a package of freight and took a ten mile journey no less than three times before he received it. Numerous cases of this kind have occurred. We have been in the habit of asking for Information about the movement of trains from the agent at Clarenville through the courtesy of the Government operator at Clarenville, but in nine cases out of ten Reid’s agent there is not reliable, why not, we cannot understand. One would think that as a servant of the company first and a servant of the public second, he should be obliged to give the fullest information possible and give time as correct as possible, instead of putting us off with schedule time, which everybody knows. How often have our people been hoaxed in hurrying to catch, say, an east-bound train, which was reported by Clarenville to be on time, and after arriving at the station found her to be about 20 hours late. This is one case out of many. Truly we are at “Random” in more senses than one.
Now it is evident we want to mend matters such as these, and the easiest solution to the problem is for the Government to give us a telephone to extend from Northern Bight Station to Hillview. the nearest telegraph office, a distance of four miles. Then from our own station we should expect reliable information both as to the movement of the train, and freight shipped or received. It would save a great deal of trouble, anxiety and expense, and bring us more abreast of the times. Wake up! Random and stand up for the right to live and claim certain advantages which have been give to others but denied to us. We are not asking too much in this case. Many other places have been linked up to the railway by telephone. Why not we?
Thanking you, Mr. Editor, in anticipation for space.
Yours sincerely,
Random, May 12, 1919
June 14, 1919, Page 2
Mrs. Samuel Holloway
(To the Editor)
Dear Sir,– It is with sincerest regret we chronicle the death of Ann Maria Holloway, widow of the late Samuel Holloway, which took place in the afternoon of June 3rd at her own home, Island Cove, Random, T.B. The deceased had suffered for a few months. She had the goodwill and esteem of all who knew her; and her demise will be regretted by all her friends. Her husband predeceased her four years ago. She was in her 59th year and leaves to mourn one daughter, one son, one brother, and two sisters, and 7 grandchildren. Increment took place at Hodge’s Cove Cemetery on the 5th inst. Rev. W. A. Butler conducting the funeral ceremonies.
One family, we dwell in Him,
One Church above, beneath,
Though now divided by the stream,
The narrow stream of death.
A. Friend
June 19, 1919
(To the editor)
Dear Sir—Will you please allow me space in your widely read paper the Advocate for a few words I have to say concerning our heroes, not only of this place but of others as well. I saw our solider boys were coming home and a reception was got up for them. I was glad to see their return and the reception for them, but now I must say there have been a good many of our sailors returned home, but I never saw anything about a reception for them. How do you consider to yourselves that this is right? Why are not the sailors worthy of a reception as well as the soldiers? The sailors are worthy. How do you think the soldiers would get across the Atlantic if the sailors did not guard them? I am not saying anything against the soldiers for I know they did their duty, but it is the people that got up the reception for them I am talking about. Now stir up, and have a reception for the next draft of sailors, and show you regard them.
I remain,
One Who Thinks Of Sailors
Little Place in Random
June 10th, 1919
July 5, 1919
Heart’s Ease Holds Sociable for Monument
(To the Editor)
Dear Slr:—Please permit space once more in your paper to say a few words from here. First I must speak of a concert and dance which was held in the S.U.F. Hall on the night of April 22nd. and was attended by a very large crowd. The proceeds amounted to over one hundred dollars, including collections, which will go towards the erection of a monument in memory of three boys who have given their lives in the war.
Well, how good it seems that the war is over at last, and the boys getting home with their friends once more. They are nearly all home now, thank God, but 3, and we wish them safe home soon. I don’t think we can ever return thanks enough to them who have been away and fought for us and went through so many hardships and danger day and night, while we were safe at home.
Three from Heart’s Ease gave their lives in this war, two soldiers and a sailor, the soldiers being Richard Spurrell and John Lambert, and the sailor being Luke Smith. I know that their friends must think it hard now to see others coming home; but they know their know that their boys have died for a good cause. Let us think of the many hundreds who have gone in the same way, and let us also thank God, Who, had guided the rest home safe. I will now close with a few verses:
Come all you people, young and old.
I hope you will draw near.
And listen unto those few lines.
Which never did you hear.
It concerns the lads of Heart’s Ease.
And plucky lads they are.
When their country was in danger.
They bravely went to war.
To fight for merry England.
And dear old Union Jack.
But three lads did go from here,
Who never will come back.
The first I’ll say is Richard Spurrell,
Who thought it was not right
To stay at home while others
Were gone away to fight.
So he went and joined the Army.
And obeyed his country’s call.
But on the fields of battle,
This lad he had to fall.
The next I’ll speak of is Luke Smith.
A sailor lad so true.
He gave his life for England.
Dressed in the Navy blue.
While returning home on furlough,
To the friends he left onshore.
On the Laurentic he went down.
Alas! They’ll see no more.
The last I’ll mention is John Lambert.
Who also gave his life
For England and her colours,
In the cruel earthly strife.
He also joined the Army,
And crossed the bounding main,
But the news soon reached his parents,
He was numbered with the slain.
The boys who are home with us again,
Thank God for their return,
I know when they were near their homes,
Their hearts with joy did burn.
5,12,9,26,1. 10,1,15,5. 8,9,19,3,15,3,11
[Eliza Jane Hiscock]
Heart’s Ease, Random
May, 1919
July 10, 1919
Clothing Allowance for the Sailors
(To the Editor)
Dear Sir: — While reading the paper today I noticed a little sketch from “Jack” regarding clothing allowance. Well, it’s a great pity that our Naval Reservists are quite so slow with looking up this affair: but certainly, it’s a bit too late to wake up now.
Well everybody that is not blind could see how much money was cut out for clothing allowance and certainly the deceased sailor is not allowed any: part’y the reason I suppose is because they can’t look out for their rights. If there were a thousand or more sailors gone, I wouldn’t blame them to keep back the money which they should have: but I believe it would look better if they would give that little amount to the orphans of those who so nobly gave their lives to save the grab-alls of the Nfld Government. Anyway, they might have given the poor sailor enough money to finish up buying the old suit, because there was lots of them had to give of their own money to buy a “quiff”.
Hoping I have not transposed too much of your space, and thanking you in anticipation.
I remain yours,
23,9,4,15,23, 15,6, 4,5,3,5,1, 19,5,4, 19,1,9,12,15,18, 18,1,14,4,15,13
[Widow of Deceased Sailor Random]
Hatchet Cove, Random.
October 21, 1919
Helping Fire Sufferers of Gooseberry Cove
(To the Editor.)
Gooseberry Cove,
Oct. 14th 1919.
Dear Sir, — Will you kindly publish through the columns of your much read paper the following list of contributors toward the helping out of Messrs. Moses and Elijah Baker in their great loss sustained by the fire on the night of September 20th, 1919, and oblige.
Yours truly,
Collected by Mr. Wm. H. Seward, Sr., at Gooseberry Cove.
Mr. William Seward, of Patk. ………… $1.00
Mr. John Seward, of Patk. ………….. 2.00
Mr. Patrick Seward ……………………… 2.00
Patrick Seward, R.N.R. ……………….. 1.50
Mr. Isaac Langor ………………………… .50
Mr. Allan Langor …………………………. .50
Mr. Peter Seward, Sr. ………………….. 2.00
Peter Conway, R.N.R. …………………. 1.00
Mr. Wm. T. Seward, of Robt. ………… 2.00
Mr. Robert Seward, Jr. ………………… 1.00
Mr. Ambrose Seward ………………….. 5.00
John Smith, R.N.R. …………………….. 1.50
Benjamin Smith, R.N.R. ……………… 1.50
Mr. Joseph Smith ……………………….. 1.50
Benjamin Smith, R.N.R. ………………. 8.00
Uriah Smith, R.N.R. ……………………. 5.00
Isaac Smith, R.N.R. ……………………. 5.00
Mr. Jones Smith …………………………. 3.00
Mrs. Martha Smith ………………………. 1.00
Mrs. Jane Smith …………………………. 1.00
Miss Alice Smith ………………………… 1.00
Mr. Moses Seward, Jr. ………………… 3.00
Mr. Thomas Seward, Sr. ……………… 2.00
Mr. William T. Seward, of Moses …… 1.00
Mr. and Mrs. Moses Seward, Sr. …… 5.00
Master Benjamin Smith, of George .. .20
Mr. George Smith, Jr. ………………….. 1.50
Miss J. Baker (Teacher) ………………. 1.00
Mr. James R. Seward ………………….. 1.00
Mr. John F. Langor ……………………… 2.00
Mr. Simon Langor ………………………. 2.00
Master Patk. Seward, of Patk. ……… 1.00
Mr. Robert Seward ……………………… 2.20
Mr. George Smith, Sr. …………………. 2.00
Mr. Joseph Seward …………………….. .50
Mr. George Balson …………………….. 5.00
Mr. Peter Seward ……………………….. .50
Robert Balson, R.N.R. ………………… 2.00
William H. Seward, Sr. ………………… 4.00
Mr. William Flynn. clothing valued
at ……………………………………………… 10.00
Total …………………………………………. $86.40
Collected by Mr. John F. Langor at Southport.
Mr. Samuel Avery ………………………. $ .50
Mrs. Samuel Avery ……………………. 2.00
Josiah Avery, R.N.R. ………………….. 2.50
Mr. John Avery ………………………….. 1.00
Mrs. M. A. Vey …………………………… .50
Mr. John Balson …………………………. 1.00
Mr. Wm. James Balson ……………….. .50
Mr. Samuel Lambert, Jr. ………………. .50
Mrs. Henry Lambert ……………………. .50
Mrs. Ulyssius Lambert ………………… .50
Mr. William Thos. Avery. ……………… .50
Mr. Samuel Lambert, Sr. ……………… .50
Rita Pearl Lambert ……………………… .50
Mr. William Lambert ……………………. 1.00
Mr. George Lambert ……………………. .50
John Lambert …………………………….. .50
Mr. Isaac Smith ………………………….. 1.00
Joseph Smith, R.N.R. …………………. .60
Mr. Leander Hiscock …………………… .80
Mr. Hezekiah Martin ……………………. .50
Mr. Joseph Martin ………………………. .50
Mr. Kenneth Smith ……………………… 1.00
Mr. Charles Langor …………………….. 1.00
Mr. Joseph Langor ……………………… 1.00
Mr. Edward Seward ……………………. 1.00
Mrs. Ellen Newton ………………………. 2.00
Miss Maria Seward …………………….. 1.00
John T. Smith, R.N.R. …………………. 1.00
Total …………………………………………. $22.90
Collected by Mr. William H. Seward, Sr., at Butter Cove.
Mr. Edward Spurrell, Sr. ………………. $2.00
Mr. Uriah Spurrell ……………………….. 5.00
Mr. Moses Spurrell ……………………… 5.00
Mr. Edward Spurrell, Jr. ………………. 3.00
Mr. Alexander Spurrell ………………… 1.00
Master Edgar Spurrell …………………. 1.00
Mr. John R. Spurrell ……………………. 5.00
Mr. Abraham Spurrell, Jr. …………….. 5.00
Mr. Ebenezer Smith ……………………. 2.00
Mr. David Spurrell, Sr. …………………. 2.00
Mr. Eliol Balson ………………………….. 3.00
Mr. Israel Strowbridge …………………. 1.50
Total …………………………………………. $35.50
Collected by Mr. John F. Langor and Mr. Edward Spurrell, Jr. at St. Jones Without.
Mark Green, R.N.R. ……………………. $1.00
Leander Green, R.N.R. ……………….. 1.50
Mrs. Caroline Green …………………… .50
Mr. Adam Green ………………………… 1.00
Mrs. Mary Green ………………………… .50
Wallace Green …………………………… .50
Mr. Jacob Green ………………………… 1.00
Peter Green, R.N.R. …………………… 1.00
Mr. Lewis Green ………………………… 5.00
Mr. Caleb Green ………………………… 5.00
Mr. Bartholomew Green ………………. 5.00
Mr. George Pitcher ……………………… 1.00
Mr. Henry T. Pitcher ……………………. 1.00
Mr. Martin Pitcher ………………………. 2.00
Simon Pitcher ……………………………. .50
Mr. Enoch Seward ……………………… 1.00
Mr. Samuel Green, Sr. ………………… .40
Mr. Jehu Green ………………………….. .50
Mrs. Mary Ann Green …………………. .50
Mr. Caleb Bantem ………………………. .50
Ernest Bantem …………………………… .50
Mr. Charles Green ……………………… 1.00
Mrs. Rachael Green ……………………. 1.00
Mr. John Green and wife ……………… 5.00
Mr. Jethro Green ………………………… 6.00
Eldred Green, R.N.R. …………………. 5.00
Mr. Joseph Green ………………………. 1.00
Mr. Jasper Green, Jr. ………………….. 1.00
Mr. Jasper Green and wife ………….. 2.00
Mr. Robert Hiscock …………………….. 2.00
Mr. Absalom Hiscock ………………….. 2.00
Miss Clemitina Green …………………. 1.00
Mr. Levi Green …………………………… 3.00
Mrs. Isabella Green ……………………. 2.00
Mr. Eliol Green …………………………… 1.00
Total …………………………………………. $62.90
Collected by Mr. Moses Spurrell and and Mr. Israel Strowbridge at Little Heart’s Ease, (South Side)
Miss Susie Lacey (Teacher) ………… $1.00
Mrs. William Jacobs, of Thos. ……… 2.00
Mr. Samuel Jacobs …………………….. 2.00
Mrs. William Jacobs …………………… 1.00
Mr. Obadiah Jacobs …………………… 1.00
Mr. James Peddle ………………………. 1.00
Mr. John Drodge ………………………… 1.50
Mrs. Hester Drodge ……………………. .50
Mr. Joseph Drodge …………………….. 1.00
Mrs. Joseph Drodge …………………… 1.00
Mr. Bert King ……………………………… 1.00
Mr. Wm. Thos. Drodge ……………….. .50
Mr. Charles Stacey …………………….. .20
Mr. Isaac Short ………………………….. .50
Mrs. Anastatia Martin …………………. 1.00
Mr. Michael Shaw ………………………. 1.00
Mr. Jonah Stringer ……………………… 1.00
Mr. Simeon Stringer ……………………. .50
Mr. James Shaw ………………………… 1.00
Mr. Simon Stringer ……………………… 1.00
Mr. Thomas Stringer …………………… 1.00
Mr. Peter Shaw ………………………….. .50
Mr. Michael T. Shaw …………………… 1.00
Mr. Daniel F. Shaw ……………………… 1.00
Mr. Daniel Shaw …………………………. 1.00
Mr. William Thos. Shaw ………………. 1.00
Mr. George Shaw ……………………….. 1.00
Mr. William J. Shaw ……………………. 1.00
Mrs. Thomas Shaw …………………….. .25
Mr. George Stringer ……………………. 2.00
Total …………………………………………. $29.45
Collected by Mr. Moses Spurrell and Mr. Israel Strowbridge at Caplin Cove
Mr. Ezekiel Stringer ……………………. $1.00
Mrs. Simeon Whalen ………………….. 2.00
Mr. Josiah Stringer ……………………… 1.00
Mr. Elisha Stringer ……………………… 1.00
Mr. Samuel Whalen ……………………. 1.00
Mr. George Baker ………………………. .50
Mr. William Whalen …………………….. 1.00
Total …………………………………………. $7.50
Collected by Mr. Moses Spurrell and Mr. Israel Strowbridge at Hodge’s Cove
Mr. Albert Smith …………………………. $1.00
Mrs. Hannah Baker …………………….. .50
Arch Peddle, R.N.R. …………………… 2.00
Mr. Abraham Peddle …………………… 1.00
Mr. Robert Gardner …………………….. 1.00
Mr. Andrew Peddle …………………….. 1.00
Mr. Roland Peddle ……………………… 1.00
Mr. Jacob Higgins ………………………. 1.00
Mr. Josiah Higgins ……………………… .50
Mr. Stephen Smith ……………………… 2.50
Mr. William Smith ……………………….. 1.00
Mr. William J. Peddle ………………….. 1.50
Mr. Thomas Stringer …………………… 1.00
Miss Florence Smith …………………… 1.50
Mr. John Stringer ……………………….. .50
Mr. Gilbert Stringer …………………….. 3.00
A Friend ……………………………………. .20
Mrs. Willis Drover ………………………. .50
Mrs. Samuel Drover ……………………. 4.00
Mr. Arch Curtis …………………………… .50
Mr. Isaac Boone …………………………. 1.00
Mrs. William Drover ……………………. 1.50
Mrs. George Drover ……………………. 1.50
George Thomas, R.N.R. ……………… 1.50
William Peddle, R.N.R. ……………….. 2.00
Total …………………………………………. $31.70
Collected by Mr. Moses Spurrell and Mr. Israel Strowbridge at Claypitts
Mr. Isaac Benson ……………………….. $5.00
Mr. David Benson ………………………. 1.00
Mr. Alex. Benson ………………………… 1.00
Total …………………………………………. $7.00
Collected by Mr. John R. Spurrell and Mr. David Spurrell, Jr., at Loreburn
Mr. Caleb Meadus ……………………… $1.00
Mr. John Price ……………………………. 3.00
Mr. Simeon Price ……………………….. 2.00
Mr. Elijah Price …………………………… 2.00
Mr. Stephen Price ………………………. 2.00
Mr. Abasalom Price ……………………. 2.00
Total …………………………………………. $12.00
Collected by Mr. John R. Spurrell and Mr. David Spurrell, Jr., at St. Jones Within
Mrs. John Tucker ……………………….. $1.00
Mrs. Silas Tucker ……………………….. 2.00
Mrs. John Tucker ……………………….. 1.50
Mrs. Hezekiah Miller …………………… .25
Mrs. John Benson ……………………… 1.00
Albert John Benson ……………………. 1.00
Mrs. David Benson …………………….. 1.00
Mrs. William King ……………………….. .50
Mrs. Bige King …………………………… .50
Mrs. Esau Benson ……………………… .50
Mrs. William Butt ……………………….. .30
Mr. Thomas Pond ………………………. .25
Mr. George Butt …………………………. .50
Mr. Guy King ……………………………… 1.20
Mr. Stephen Holloway …………………. 1.00
Mr. Martin Hillier …………………………. .25
Mr. Balah Squires ………………………. 1.50
Mr. Robert Miller ………………………… .50
Mr. William Ivany ……………………….. 1.00
Mr. Lewis Ivany ………………………….. .50
Mrs. Joshua Ivany ……………………… 1.00
Total …………………………………………. $17.25
August 8, 1919
(To The Editor)
Dear Sir:- Please permit space, in your much read paper to record the event of a very pretty wedding, the contracting parties being Benjamin Smith, R.N.R., of Heart’s Ease to Miss Mary Jane Lambert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lambert of Southport.
Owing to there being no minister in the Mission, the bridal party left Southport by the SS Petrel on Friday afternoon, July 18th, for Heart’s Content, where marriage ceremony was performed on Friday night in the C. of E. Church of St. Mary’s the Virgin, conducted by Rev. Canon Smart, R.D.
The bride looked charming in a dress of pale blue silk with bridal vail and orange blossoms, and carried a bouquet of white carnations. She was attended by Miss Alice Smith, sister of the groom, while the groom was ably supported by his brother-in-law, Mr. Moses Seward.
The bridal party spent two days at Heart’s Content and arrived at Heart’s Ease, their future home, on Sunday afternoon by motor boat. On the following Wednesday night, July 23rd, a tea was held at the home of the groom’s mother, when quite a number of guests were entertained. The bride was the recipient of many pretty presents. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Smith a long, pleasant, and prosperous voyage over the sea of matrimony.
Thanking you for spacing and wishing the Union and its worthy president every success.
Yours truly –
Heart’s Ease, Random,
July 31st, 1919
September 30, 1919
Give to This Cause
Motor Boat Burnt with Loss of $700.
(To the Editor.)
Dear Sir, Will you kindly allow me space through the columns of your widely circulated paper to make known the misfortune which happened two fishermen quite recently. These two men, brothers, namely, Moses and Elijah Baker, spent the summer months fishing at St. John’s.
Having made a very poor voyage, they left St. John’s on Saturday morning, September 20th, in a motorboat for home. On Saturday night, when about three miles from home, accompanied by Mr. John Norris in another motorboat, a sad misfortune befell them. They were on the point of separating to go to their respective homes when the disaster occurred. At dark Mr. Moses Baker lit his lantern to see that his engine was in good working order, then closed his engine. A little water having got into the boat, Mr. Baker took his piggen to throw out the water, when a little flame burst forth. Quite suddenly the boat was in a flame, and these poor men had to leap into the other boat to save their lives. They had on board their boat a cask of gasoline, fishing gear and all their clothing, etc. They tried their best endeavours to put out the flame but Mr. Norris having gasoline on board his boat, had to keep off some distance to prevent disaster to his boat. They were lying by her about two hours, when she sank.
Mr. Norris, who belonged to Little Harbour, Random then took these men to their home.
The loss is estimated to be about $700.00 and is a very severe one to these men as they are poor fishermen. They feel their loss keenly, as they are destitute, having had all their fishing property on board the boat. The season’s catch is not enough to pay for the spring’s outfit. A few of their friends have decided to take up a collection in the nearby settlements on their behalf, as it is badly needed. If any of your readers would like to help these unfortunate men, gifts of money or clothing will be gladly accepted by the undersigned, or it may be sent to Moses or Elijah Baker.
Both these men are family men.
Thanking you Mr. Editor, in anticipation of publication, I remain.
Yours truly,
William H. Seward, Sr.
Gooseberry Cove, Random, T.B.,
Sept. 23rd, 1919
(We shall be glad to receive any amounts for this worthy object and acknowledge same. – Ed.)
October 15, 1919
Hiscock – Baker
A quiet but very pretty wedding was solemnized at Wesley Parsonage October 11th, when Mr. John Baker, of Hodge’s Cove, T.B., was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Miss Grace Hiscock, formerly of Winterton. She was attended by her cousin, Miss Ida Hiscock. The groom was supported by Mr. Levi Jacobs. The bride wore a blue silk dress with hat to match. The happy couple drove to Mrs. Drodge’s, where the wedding supper was partaken of. The bride received many useful and costly presents. Mr. and Mrs. Baker leaves for Winterton on their honeymoon and from thence to their future home in Hodge’s Cove.
October 31, 1919
Dear Sir:-
If you’ll please grant me space,
A few words I will write,
Its about our boys of Random.
Who helped in Britain’s flight.
They faced the Turks and Austrians,
And drove the Germans back,
And they’ve showed that dreadful Kaiser,
He can’t beat the Union Jack.
Some of our boys from Random
When the call for soldiers came,
Took their stand with heart and hand,
And bravely signed their name.
But some had not been fighting long
When the news flashed o’er the waves,
And told their parents that those sons
Had filled true heroes’ graves.
But the rest of them are home with us
Since the battle it is won.
And many a mother’s heart is glad
To welcome home her son.
But there’s many who are thinking
Of the boys they’ll see no more,
Who in silent graves are resting
On a distant far off shore.
Sure then there is the navy,
The sailor boys in blue.
Who traced the heaving ocean
To keep their colour true.
Those sailors’ wives are also glad
To have their husbands back
To tell them oh how bravely
They fought for the Union Jack.
But now the war is over
And Britain rules the wave,
They’ve all received a handshake,
The boys we proved so brave.
I remain yours, etc.,
A Servant Girl
Oct. 22, 1919
November 13, 1919
Dear Sir: Will you kindly permit space in your widely-circulated paper for a few remarks, altho’ Mr. Carnell in his speech at Gooseberry Cove a little while ago remarked that every man women and child was poisoned with the news appearing in The Advocate. I would like to refer to the questions that were asked J. G. Stone by some of the friends at Gooseberry Cove and Little Heart’s Ease, concerning a bull that I have in my possession, got from the Secretary of Agriculture at Smiths Sound in June, 1919.
These friends above referred to wished to know if I was to charge $1.00 for service. I wish to let these people know that I have printed instructions to go thereby, and I do not go beyond it. The service for said bull is $1.00. The bull is in my yard, and as long as it is in my possession I will carry out the instructions to the letter. I don’t think one of those men who asked these questions had any cows. He was only trying to pick holes where there was none needed. If the Government looked into the bills that were sent in from time to time, they would have found out some of those things before.
Before closing I will wish those questioners every success.
WILLIAM H. SEAWARD. SIR., Gooseberry Cove, Random.
November 6th, 1919.
December 4, 1919
By the express yesterday Constable Whalen came along here with a female prisoner arrested under warrant at Northern Bight, T.B.
December 11, 1919
A case of larceny in which a young girl Hillview, Trinity Bay, is the defendant, was postponed January.
Transcribed by Lisa Garrett, Wanda Garrett, Daisy Jacobs, Valerie Johnson, and Emily Seward. Last updated June 2022.
These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.