The Evening Advocate, 1922

March 10, 1922

In Loving Memory of John Churchill
Who died Oct. 31st at St. John’s

The first day of November last,
The news came, sad and drear,
It said John passed away last night
It was all that we did hear.

Until a few days after that,
The papers told the tale,
How he was electrocuted,
And from the shock he fell.

But loving hands did all they could,
His precious life to spare,
But God willed it otherwise,
And took him in His care.

May God protect his wife and child,
And guide them in the strife,
And may the one they loved so well,
Unite them in the skies.

God bless his loving parents,
His brothers and sisters too,
And may they meet their loved one,
In the land beyond the blue.

He was the first to break the link
Of a family of seven,
And may it be their happy lot
To meet again in heaven.

We loved him, yes, we loved him,
But angels loved him more,
And they have sweetly called him
To yonder shining shore.

The golden gates were opened,
A gentle voice said: Come,
And with farewells unspoken,
He calmly entered home.

Inserted by his aunt M. Hindy, Winterton


May 31, 1922


With the assistance of District Grants, it was found possible to meet some of the pressing demands for Telephone connection, and lines were erected to some of the most isolated sections during the year. It is represented that Telephone connection is of greater general service to a community than a ferry or even a road. Motor boats are being used more and more for conveyances, and many a long journey is saved because of Telephone connection. During the year, the following places were connected by Telephone: Lushe’s Bight to Cutwell, Norman’s Cove and Chapel Arm to New Harbour, Bunyan’s Cove and Port Blandford East to Port Blandford; St. Alban’s to Conn. River, Margaree to Channel, St. Jones Within and Hatchet Cove to Hillview and St. Jones Without to Hodge’s Cove.

At present, the Telephone work is performed by the Telegraph Staff, and when a telephone instrument in a station has become defective and cannot be worked, we find it cheaper to send out a new instrument and recall the defective one. Someone is found in most places, who can make the installation or connection, but it cannot be expected that the results are satisfactory. Our repairers and operators give good service in this respect. We have now 90 telephone stations and a growing demand for wireless stations, which emphasizers the fact that the time has come for a member of the staff to be appointed to give his whole attention to those Branches of the service.


September 13, 1922

Was 102 Years When Death Called Her

(To the Editor)

Pear Sir,-I wish to record the death of Jane Benson, which took place at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Seward, on August 28th.

Deceased was the widow of David Benson of Hlllvlew, T.B. and had reached the great age of one hundred and two years (102). In spite of her great age she retained most of her faculties and was able to sit up in her room just a day or two previous to her passing, ln her activity she presided over a large household at Hlllview, and her home always afforded a warm welcome, to any who came that way.

For the past 29 years she resided with her daughter, who with loving care ministered to her wants to the last.

Her body was laid to rest in the C. of E. Cemetery at Heart’s Ease, the service being conducted by the Rev.  R.  Fowlow. All clases united to pay their last tribute to one who had enjoyed thelr love and respect for so many years. Sha left to mourn one daughter, and many grandchildren and great grandchildren. That she may find rest and peace for her soul Is the prayer of

Gooseberry Cove,
Sept. 1, 1922


Transcribed by Wanda Garrett. Page crested May 2021, Latest update October 2022

These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.