May 7, 1892
Mr. Wm. Flynn, a prominent and popular resident of Heart’s Ease, Trinity Bay, arrived here in the schooner Nonpareil. Capt. Richard Seward, last night, and informs us that matters in that locality are looking bright. There was very little sickness there during the winter, and people are now preparing for their summer’s work. The Nonpareil is a new schooner, built by Jas. Percy, of Scilly Cove, during the winter, and is supposed to be the smartest of her kind ever launched in Trinity Bay. She is a regular Yankee clipper, and on her passage here beat everything afloat. Mr. Percy is in the front rank as a schooner-builder, and the HERALD congratulates him on his latest effort in marine architecture.
May 27, 1892
A splendid new schooner has just been added by Messrs. A. Goodrldge & Sons to their Labrador fleet. She is called the Prowl, and was built last winter at Random, Trinity Bay, by Stephen Smith, who also commands her; and this bears out the old adage regarding our fishermen, “that they could cut the wood out of which their vessels are constructed, could build them and sail them, and catch big voyages of fish with them.” She is fitted and equipped in the most complete manner, and is a most creditable specimen of this country’s construction. Though not yet surveyed, she is expected to measure about forty-five tons, and when passed by the Lloyds’ Surveyor and the regular bounty given will sail with the necessary supplies to prosecute the Labrador fishery.
Transcribed by Katie Alyward and Wanda Garrett, October 2019. Updated May 2021
These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.