February 10, 1899, Page 4
A correspondent writing us from Clarenville, says:— “There is a lot of work going on around this place and Shoal Harbor, people are building mills and hauling logs. Mr. Edmund Seward is building a new schooner of about 30 tons, and the people are in good circumstances. A man by the name of Stanley cleared some land and got his money for so.”
September 20, 1899
In Thursday’s storm the rainfall was abnormal the rivers were badly swollen, and a big sea rose in Trinity Bay, Albert Smith, a poor fisherman, saved enough after years of honest endeavor to erect a substantial saw mill 40 x 20 feet, and on that day had tried its machinery, run by water power, from a river near, intending to start work Friday cutting coopers’ lumber. The river – during the evening overflowed its banks and about 10 p.m. the dam above the structure burst, sending down a flood of water which swept the building into the beach a complete wreck, where the woodwork was made firewood by the heavy sea running in. It was well for the man that none of the large quantity of logs he had near the premises were cut or his loss would have been greater. As it is he is now out of pocket about $500. The circular saws of the newest type which he had erected were broken up and the poor fellow is in a bad predicament. A dam also burst at Hodge’s Cove and the waters did considerable damage to John Peddle’s mill also.
September 28, 1899
At the S.W. Arm of Random, T.B., there has recently come under the notice of some of the residents a good indication of coal, and the belief is that there is a good deposit in the earth. There is a tradition that an old resident, long since dead, made the discovery, but kept it a secret, but latterly men travelling the country came across the outcroppings.
Transcribed by Katie Alyward and Wanda Garrett, 2019. Updated April 2021
These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.