May 31, 1902
A S.W. Arm, Random, traps get from 2 to 4 qtls. H. Seward a couple of days ago trapped 40 qtls. in the offing there. Salmon are scarce.
August 8, 1902
The little schr. ‘Pibrooch,’ of Little Heart’s Ease, which had been fishing at Mobile and secured a full cargo, in going home came near being lost about a week ago off Cape St. Francis. She is 40 years old, sprung a leak, and the jibs, mainsail and foresail were blown away. She was nursed along to the home port and repaired and is now here on her way to Mobile again.
Transcribed by Katie Alyward and Wanda Garrett. Page created December 2019. Updated January 2022.
These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.