The Evening Herald, 1903

June 2, 1903

The home of James Avery, at Long Beach, Trinity Bay, narrowly escaped destruction by fire Tuesday last. The roof was burned completely off, owing to the stove pipe running through it becoming heated. Robt Avery, with the help of nelghbors, after about an hors work quenched the blaze.



June 18, 1903, Page 3

House of Assembly

Mr. WARREN presented a petition from Heart’s Ease, asking for a road from Heart’s Ease to Little Heart’s Ease. This road would form part of a railway connecting road between Fox Harbor and the railway, and he hoped some pro vision would be made towards opening up this road.


October 15, 1903, Page 3


Mr. E. Willis, manager of the Slate Quarries, recently returned from a visit to New York. Messrs. Harvey and Outerbridge came a few days ago from St. John’s and were surprised at the improvements since they were here before. This especially refers to the new machinery for cutting the slates. Mr. Gushue, M.H.A., was also here looking after the roads. A new road has been opened up Random Island, which ensures safe and convenient travel where formerly  it was risky to either drive or walk. We had a scare of small-pox here for a while. Seaward’s craft, of Gooseberry Cove, was fishing at St. John’s and while there the men visited Mrs. Seaward’s house. A day after they left the woman was sent to hospital with the disease and when the craft arrived at Gooseberry Cove the Colonial Secretary was wired on the matter with the outcome that Mr. Currie, J.P., and Sergt. Beckham quarantined five houses and another at Clarenville, all being held for 26 days. Dr. Packard vaccinated all the people around and owing to the precautions taken the disease did not develop. Magistrate Lilly recently tried a case brought forward by Sergt. Beckham against three young men at Burgoyne’s Cove for a breach of the fishery laws in an attempt at hauling trout at a brook near Hickman’s Harbor with a caplin seine. The Magistrate gave them a dressing down which they will not soon forget and they were mulcted in pretty steep costs. This should deter others, and Beckham deserves credit for working up the case so well.

Britannia Cove, T.B., Oct. 10, 1903


Transcribed by Wanda Garrett. Page created March 2021. Updated January 2022
These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.