The Evening Herald, 1905

April 7, 1905, page 4

Events and Echoes

Sergt. Cox arrived this morning by train from Northern Bight, T.B., with a prisoner named Seth Stiles in custody. It appears that he was a shipped man with Mr. Fearne at Hr. Buffet in 1903, and entering the store at night, lifted $10 from the office. A warrant was sworn out for him and the officer arrested him Wednesday last. He appeared in court to-day and was remanded pending further inquiry.


April 28, 1905

John Shaw, of Little Heart’s Ease, launched a fine new craft of 30 tons there recently, for the Labrador, and Abraham Peddle another of 50 tons. Both are splendid specimens of local handicraft.



Newspaper articles transcribed by Katie Alyward and Wanda Garrett, February 2020, Updated March 2021

These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.