February 3, 1906
A very pretty wedding was celebrated here on the 25th, the contracting parties being Mr. Joshua Gooby and Miss Blanche Benson, Rev. Isaac French officiating. The bride was beautifully attired in cream nuns veiling and wore a bridal-veil and orange blossoms. The bridesmaids were Miss Maud Benson, sister of the bride and little Gladys Avery. The groom was ably supported by Mr. Allan Benson and Mr. George Gooby. A reception was held at the home of the bride. Afterwards the bridal party drove to Queen Cove, their future home. We wish the happy couple many years of wedded bliss.– Northern Bight, Jan. 30, 1906
June 8, 1906
Last week at Northern Bight, while Edward Styles was spinning oakum in his kitchen, a spark from the fire ignited it and as there was a large quantity near it was in flames at once, the house being gutted and much of the furniture damaged before the outbreak was quenched.
July 17, 1906
The schr. ‘Elizabeth,’ Wm. Hiscock master, of Hodge’s Cove, S.W. Arm, Random, 32 tons, with crew of 7 men, while beating out the narrows of Trinity this morning misstayed and was driven ashore inside Sherwink; the sea was very rough, the schooner broke up quickly, pounding and lurching against the almost perpendicular cliff. The crew saved their clothes, but little else of their effects; also the sails and running gear. The codtrap was thrown overboard and saved. It is a most unfortunate loss to the owner and crews who are thus deprived of all chance, for a voyage this season. The vessel was bound to the French Shore, this being her maiden trip, as she was built during the past winter. The vessel was insured for $1200 in the Trinity Marine Club; nothing on her outfits. Messrs. R.G. Rendell & Co. outfitted. The crew left per s.s. ‘Ethie’ for their homes on order of Magistrate Lilly.
November 9, 1906
Messrs. E. Parsons and Levi Frost hope for good results from their iron claim at Bay-de-Verde. For some time past an expert has been at the claim, and his report is all that could be desired. They expect to bond the deposit to an American company, who will take it over if the quantity is there.
November 16, 1906
Men from Trinity Bay report that on Tuesday last two brothers – Ben and Elijah Price – set out in their boat from Long Cove, S.W. Arm Random, to go to Heart’s Ease and when about half way across the boat upset and one of the men, Elijah, was drowned, the other clinging to the boat until rescue came. The drowned man was single and the body was not recovered.
Transcribed by Katie Alyward, Wanda Garrett, and Brandon Seward. Page created in December 2019. Updated November 2022
These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.