The Evening Herald, 1910

June 1, 1910

Events and Echoes

Salmon is reported very plentiful at Random, T.B., and recently residents secured five to fourteen daily.
The schooner Laurel, Capt. E. Goss, leaves this afternoon for Random, Trinity Bay, to which place she takes a cargo of provisions.




October 31, 1910

Deserted by Crew – Captain Reaches Home by Himself

Passengers arriving by the freight train last evening from Trinity Bay bring the story of a schooner’s captain, who sailed a 30-ton vessel by himself for 25 miles. The person referred to is Capt. Styles, of the schooner William. He was going with a freight to Western Bay from Northern Bight. He had reached as far as a place called Hatchet Cove, when he was deserted by his crew, all of whom refused to go on the vessel. He had to accept the inevitable and being unable to secure further help was forced to return to Northern Bight. He showed the true pluck and nerve for which many of the Northern men are noted, by setting sail on his vessel and proceeding home. The distance was about 25 miles, and although a heavy breeze was blowing he reached Northern Bight in safety.


Transcribed by Wanda Garrett and Katie Alyward, January 2020

These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.