May 6, 1911
The schr. Minnie Smith, Captain Smith, arrived from Random Sound, T.B. last evening with seals, herring, fish, hoops and birch wood. The run occupied nearly a fortnight as she was obliged to shelter at Trinity.
May 23, 1911, Page 4
Events and Echoes
A message was received in town this morning from Heart’s Ease, T.B., stating that a resident there had secured eight qtls. of fish in his trap yesterday morning.
October 12, 1911, Page 4
Busy Meeting Yesterday Afternoon
A request from the Postmaster General to re-name Long Cove, Southwest Arm of Random, Trinity Bay – the name to be chosen by the Board.
December 2, 1911
Schr. Loses Rudder – Driven 70 miles to Sea – Had to Return to Port.
The schr. Willie Martin, Capt. Wm. Martin, reached port this morning and hauled into Steer Bros. wharf being forced to return to St. John’s as her disabled condition would not permit her to reach her destination in Trinity Bay.
The schooner loaded with general cargo at Steer Brothers premises and left for Random, T.B., last Wednesday morning. After getting out around the heads a fair wind offered, which although moderate at first, steadily increased, as the wind increased so likewise did the water become turbulent. About four o’clock in the afternoon the schooner was in the vicinity of Baccalieu. A heavy gale of wind and sea was now raging, and sail of necessity was shortened. The vessel had passed through Baccalieu when a heavy sea came tearing over the stern of the craft, and when it had cleared from the deck the crew were horrified to discover that the schooner was rendered helpless by her rudders being disabled. The situation of the Captain and crew was not a pleasant one. The heavy sea prevented them from making any kind of temporary repairs. Fortunately the wind was ‘off’ the land and while it held thus no imminent danger existed. A little sail was kept on the schooner and by this means the crew were enabled to steer her somewhat. The vessel drifted along and early Thursday morning she was off Bonavista Cape. The wind now veered round to the N.W. with much force. As nothing could be done the vessel’s head was ‘hove’ round and she was driven out to sea. When the wind abated Thursday evening the crew estimated that they had been driven about 70 miles from land. The sea had now gone down sufficiently to enable those on board to rig a kind of jury rudder, several sails were hoisted and under a slight breeze the vessel was taken in towards the land. It was impossible to get to Random and the Captain decided to come to St. John’s, which port she entered this morning. Orders were given immediately for a new rudder which will be put in position as quickly as possible.
The experience was a severe one, but the crew are thankful that they escaped so well.
Newspaper article transcribed by Katie Alyward and Lisa Garrett. Page created February 2020. Updated October 2021
These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.