The Evening Herald, 1912

June 3, 1912, Page 6

Hon. J.C. Crosbie received a message to-day informing him of the death of Levi Frost at Bay de Verde. Mr. Frost, who was formerly of Northern Bight, has been residing at Bay de Verde for a number of years and was a well known and respected resident of that place.




July 16, 1912, Page 2

A resident of Butter Cove, T.B., named Reuben Hiscock, came in by yesterday’s express to enter hospital for treatment. He was brought along in a box, being scarcely able to move any part of his body. It is thought he is suffering from beri-beri. He was removed to the hospital in the ambulance.



Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, page created June 2021. Updated July 2021

These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.