The Evening Herald, 1913

February 8, 1913, Page 11

A Contradiction
February 3rd, 1913
Fox Hr., Southwest Arm, Random

(Editor, Herald)

Sir,– In the Telegram of January 23nd was a false and slanderous statement about the Relieving Officer of this place. It was signed “The Widow’s Mite.” The facts are that the money came to my office on January 10th, and I despached it in the next mail, January 14th. On the 23rd the paragraph was in the Telegram. As for the system I never mentioned it to a widow since I held office. In my opinion it is little the writer cared for the poor widow as long as he got her small mite to swell what was in his pocket. I definitely deny the charge made against me.

Yours truly,
Relieving Officer


April 10, 1913, Page 7

Public Notice

Under the provisions of Chapter 23, 2 Edward VII., entitled “An Act to amend the Post Office Act, 1891”. And upon the recommendation of the Board appointed under Section 1 thereof, Notice is hereby given that, three months after this date, a Proclamation will issue for the alteration of name or re-naming of places as under, that is to say:

1.- That North West Arm, Green Bay, Twillingate District, be renamed BURLINGTON.
2.– That Northern Bight, Random Sound, Trinity Bay, be re-named HILLVIEW.
3.– That Seal Cove Bonavista Bay, be re-named PRINCETON.

R. Watson
Colonial Secretary.
Department of the Colonial Secretary,
March 14th, 1913


September 19, 1913, Page 8


Under the provisions of Chapter 23, 2  Edward VII.. entitled “An Act to amend the Post Office Act, 1891.” and upon the recommendation of the Board appointed under Section 1 thereof. Notice is hereby given that, three months after this date, a proclamation will issue for the alteration of name, or renaming of places as under, that Is to say:—

I.—That Fox Harbor, Random, Trinity Bay, be renamed SOUTHPORT.

2—That Mother Hicks, Colinet Island, Placentia and St Mary’s, be renamed Regina


R. Watson
Colonial Secretary
Department of the Colonial Secretary, July 22nd, 1913.


September 29, 1913, Page 8

Postal Telegraphs

A Telegraph Office has been opened at Fox Harbor. Random Sound.

Tariff. 20 cents for ten words or fraction thereof and 2 cents for each additional word. Address and Signature free.

 DAVID STOTT, Superintendent.




Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, Page created April 2021. Updated September 2021

These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.