The Evening Herald, 1914

March 25, 1914, Page 8

Mr. Targent. – Mr. Speaker, I beg to present a petition from Little Heart’s Ease asking a Money Order Office be established there. They have to go about ten miles to get a money order.
They also ask that $600 be granted them to build a wharf and they ask for $200 to repair the road from Little Harbour to St. Jones Without. They also want $150 for repairing a road. They also require $100 for repairing Long Bridge Road at the head of Little Heart’s Ease.



May 2, 1914, Page 9

House of Assembly

Mr. Stone. — … I also beg to present a petition from the inhabitants of Long Beach, asking for telephone connection with Northern Bight. This would be a great benefit to the people of that settlement for at present their mails are Irregular and they have no telegraph office. I trust that the Government will see Its way clear to meet the wishes of the petitioners.

I have also another petition from the inhabitants of Long Beach in the bottom of South West Arm, in the District of Trinity asking that a telephone connection be given them from Northern Bight. They have no telegraph office and no means of communication except by letter, and the mail is not regular. The petition, which is signed by about twenty five people, asks that a telephone be installed there.

Mr. Targent. – Mr. Speaker, I beg to support the petitions presented by my colleague.

Dr. Lloyd. – Mr. Speaker, I also have much pleasure in supporting the petitions.


May 19, 1914, Page 5

Good Cod Catch

All the traps are in the water at Heart’s Ease and on Wednesday last the first haul was made by Joshua Spanel who took one hundred weight. The particular feature of the take was that the fish were abnormally large and apparently well fed.



November 27, 1914, Page 5

Mrs. John Vey, Southport, T.B., is now in the city having arrived by yesterday’s express on her annual business visit.


Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, April 2021; Updated December 2021

These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.